Oct. 11, 1935: Herbert Bell, Former Local Resident, Writes About Old Time Shows Given At Memorial

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on October 11, 1935.


(Editor’s Note: Herbert Bell, author of the following, resident, and a son of the late M.A. Bell, formerly a jeweler in Valparaiso. Mr. Bell is now located in Toledo, O.)

After layin offa the Old Hoam Towne Bugle all summit were back on skedule agin readin the Star Vidette and Evein Messenger all fer one price.

We aint goin to deny the fact that after skrimpin an savin we got together enough scrop to satisfay the circulation Mgr. just sos we could find out what has bin did about the court house.

Seams like the court house is goin the way them public works plans has went hear: out the back door.

Now that they is a war in mebee you could tell me how that fite between them too fellers on the drop curtain cum out over to the Memorial Opery House.

When I left town back in 1909 they was about to run one hue trus with a stabber on a gun.

Mebbe you remember the fast one Al. Heineman pulled on the town when he booked a one nite stand of a Burly Cue company and called it a musical komedy.

The komedy part cum when the little cutie over on the right end caught her foot in that little gold chain that ran around the stage. You know the one, strung on them short poles between the orchestra and the foot lights. Well this hear dame had black hair and when she lit out with her right foot she hooked the chain, lost her balance and fell fer the drummer.

Him bein a blond an the girl giving of her life’s blood fer him: havin tore her stockin foar she lit, or was she lit fore she fell; Mebee it as the “Turkish Texan Company or “Mr. Jolly of Jolliette”, I fergit which. Anyhow nobody asked for rain checks so Al kept the 30-70 or 40-60 what was komin to him.

An now dear readers it is time for me to “go to work and take and make my exit” as one of Al’s men would have said. Thanking you again fer your kind attention after the company has presented the third and last act of this time worn play the management requests that I bid you an all a kind good nite

—Herb Bell

P.S.—The drummer was Clarence Bell.

P.S. No. 2—August Wolf was leadin the orchestra

P.S. No. 3—The pianna player was sort of upset about the same tyme the girl upset herself on the drummir. Jellis?? Your tellin me.
