Looking Back • March 1925

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

March 1, 1925

Word has been received here by Mary Marquardt of the death at Monroe, Mich., of Professor William Harbeck, a former resident of Valparaiso. Professor Harbeck was an instructor in the German parochial school here some forty years ago. He was a brother-in-law of W. D. Marquardt, J. H. Peters and John Harbeck.

The $5,000 clock for the new Elks Temple on West Lincolnway arrived in Valparaiso on Saturday from Minneapolis, Minn. The mechanism consists of several large truckloads of parts. The clock will be placed on the southeast corner of the building. It will be the central control for eleven other clocks in the building.

March 2, 1925

Fire caused several hundred dollars damage at the engineering building at Valparaiso University last night at 8:30 o’clock. The discovery was made by students. Firemen chopped into the flooring on the second floor to get at the blaze. A water can and chemicals were used in quelling the flames which required about half an hour.

Valparaiso University basketballers lost a close game to the Whiting Community Club, an aggregation of former college and high school stars last night, 30 to 29. Bourquin, Valpo center, was forced from the game by an injured shoulder in the first half. Doran was high point scorer for the locals with 11, followed by Harris with seven. Whitey Wickhorst, former Whiting High School star, played best for the visitors.

March 3, 1925

The Brown Bill to establish separate courts in Porter and LaPorte Counties was passed by the Indiana Senate by a vote of 35 to 1. By the terms of the bill, one of the courts would be established at Michigan City and the other at Valparaiso. Senator Will Brown, of Hebron, representing, Newton, Jasper, Porter, and Pulaski Counties, is the author of the bill, which would do away with the present LaPorte-Porter Superior Court.

March 4, 1925

Lola Smith, who recently purchased the old L. D. Wolf property at the corner of Washington and Chicago Streets in Valparaiso from the Porter Lodge of Masons, will convert the property into flats. The Smith & Smiths Company have been awarded the contract.

March 5, 1925

Fire, which originated in baled paper in the basement of the Porter County Courthouse directly under the steps of the south entrance, caused a scare this morning. It is believed the baled paper, estimated at a ton and a half, caught fire from spontaneous combustion. Two lines of hose were played on the burning mass. Because of the brick and stone construction, the fire was unable to spread. The building was completely filled with smoke.

Rev. Father James Walsh, pastor of the Montclair Catholic Church at Montclair, a suburb of Denver, Colo., for the last 18 years, celebrated 25 years in the priesthood at special services held on Feb. 18. Father Walsh is now on his way to Rome to celebrate mass in the church where he was ordained. He was presented with a traveling bag containing a check for $1,100 by his parishioners. He is a former Valparaiso man.

March 6, 1925

Paul E. Marks was re-elected Exalted Ruler of Valparaiso Lodge of Elks, No. 500, at the annual meeting held inside the Memorial Opera House on Thursday night. He was named over Dr. J. D. Keehn by 28 votes. A total of 260 votes were cast.

Wheatfield defeated Chesterton in the opening game of the sectional basketball tournament which opened this afternoon at University Gymnasium. Chesterton was weakened by the absence of Flynn and Svancar, two of its regular players. The final count was 25 to 9 in favor of Wheatfield.

March 7, 1925

Funeral services for C. Eugene Fifield, county commissioner of the north district, who died in Valparaiso’s Christian Hospital following an operation for appendicitis, were held Friday afternoon at the family home in McCool and also at the McCool M. E. church. The county board will meet next Monday to elect a successor to the vacancy. Marion Curtis and Elias D. Cain, county board members, will vote on the new commissioner.

The Northwestern Honey Producers’ Association was formed at a meeting held here Friday at the office of Porter County Agent A. Z. Arehart. Twenty apiarists from Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties attended. E. S. Miller, of Valparaiso, was named president, and J. M. Mondell, of Hobart, secretary-treasurer. C. O. Kost, of Indianapolis, head inspector for the Indiana Conservation Department, and T. C. Johnson, of Logansport, state bee inspector, made talks.

March 8, 1925

Valparaiso High School won the sectional basketball tourney held at University Gym by defeating Boone Grove in the final game, 33 to 7. White scored thirteen points to lead the Valpo team, while Hildreth and McGinley scored six of Boone Grove’s seven points. Fair Oaks, Wheeler, Wheatfield, and Boone Grove were the victims of the Valparaiso five.

Ross Crisman, of Portage Township, was elected county commissioner of the North district to succeed the vacancy on the board caused by the death of C. Eugene Fifield. He received the votes of the other two commissioners, E. D. Cain and Marion Curtis. Crisman is a nephew of the late Commissioner Fifield.

March 9, 1925

The bill introduced in the legislature for the creation of separate superior courts for Porter and LaPorte Counties failed of passage in the house yesterday when the measure was not handed down by Speaker Harry G. Leslie before adjournment. This was the word received by Grant Crumpacker, president of the Porter Bar Association from Mayor E. W. Agar at Indianapolis. The bill passed the senate by a vote of 35 to 1. Both LaPorte and Porter County attorneys were backing the bill.

Senate Bill 238, providing for the taking over of Valparaiso University by the state passed the House yesterday by a vote of 72 to 14, and now goes to the governor. The bill had previously passed the senate by a vote of 30 to 8. Several attempts to sidetrack the measure in the house failed.

March 10, 1925

Harry Brown, who plunged from the second floor to the basement this morning when he walked into an open elevator shaft at the Wade and Wise printing plant on College Hill, is reported to be resting today at Christian Hospital on Jefferson Street in Valparaiso. His attending physician said it would take several days to determine whether internal injuries were suffered in the fall.

March 11, 1925

H. D. Harvey, a graduate of Ohio Northern University, has been added to the staff of the Valparaiso University School of Engineering, and will act as dean of the school in the absence of Dean Henry Fisher, who is connected with a Gary firm. Harvey taught at Ohio Northern for a year and later was a member of the faculty of the Chicago Technical College. His last position was with the Marland Oil Company of Delaware.

March 12, 1925

The body of William Myers, age 40, of Hebron, who disappeared from his home in that place on January 4 last was found Wednesday afternoon in the Kankakee River, a quarter mile west of the river bridge at DeMotte in Jasper County. Rivermen searching for a lost boat made the discovery. When he disappeared, Myers told his wife he was going to look for work with a construction gang operating in the nearby vicinity. It is believed he attempted to cross the river and fell through the ice into a deep hole. The body was taken to Hebron.

At a meeting of the members of the Valparaiso Country Club last evening, it was decided to build a new club house costing $15,000 this coming summer. Plans and specifications for the new building were submitted by the Foster Lumber and Coal Company, which has offered to build the structure at cost. A $25,000 bond issue will be floated by the club to finance the building and take care of other indebtedness.

March 13, 1925

A new fifteen-passenger Studebaker bus was placed in active service between LaPorte and Valparaiso today by the Jahns Bus Company which operates numerous lines of bus transportation in Northern Indiana. The bus is equipped with balloon tires and snubbers, taking the bumps and ruts out the LaPorte-Valparaiso Highway very smoothly.

Harry Brown, pressman at the Wade & Wise printing plant on College Hill, who was seriously injured in a plunge down an open elevator shaft at the printing plant Tuesday morning, suffered a broken lumbar vertebra of the back in the fall, according to an x-ray taken late yesterday afternoon. An operation will be performed this afternoon to correct the injury.

March 14, 1925

William J. Morris, manager of the Indiana Steel Products Company, was elected as a member of the school board by the Valparaiso City Council last night to succeed to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mittie Stoner, whose resignation takes effect on March 18. William E. Morthland was named city building commissioner by the council. The job pays $500 per annum.

Lula Mae Cruce, of Fort Smith, Ark., was selected as Valparaiso University’s coed with the sweetest smile by the judges in the 1925 “Smile Girl” contest conducted by The Torch university publication. Cruce came here at the beginning of the fall term to enter the School of Commerce.

March 15, 1925

By virtue of decisive victories in the championship round of the fifth annual basketball tourney, in the Gary Armory on Saturday night, Froebel and LaPorte won the right to represent this district in the state meet at Indianapolis on March 20 and 21. The scores were Froebel, 35; Brook, 18; Plymouth, 48; Valparaiso, 21; Rochester, 20; Brookston, 5; LaPorte, 35; Mishawaka, 31 (overtime); Froebel, 45; Plymouth, 25; LaPorte, 33; Rochester, 23.

The Valparaiso Normal School Bill, otherwise known as Senate Bill No. 238, was killed late Saturday afternoon when Governor Ed Jackson refused to receive the bill. Governor Jackson assigned no reason for his action. The bill was a popular measure, passing the senators 30 to 8, and the House 72 to 14. Senator Will Brown introduced the bill which provided for the state taking over Valparaiso University and establishing it as a state normal school.

March 16, 1925

WRBS radio station, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Valparaiso, was dedicated Sunday evening with impressive services held in Immanuel Lutheran Church. The church was filled with members and townspeople. Prof. J. F. Reuter, of Chicago, opened the program with an organ recital. Rev. George F. Schutes, pastor of the church, read the scriptures and the choir under the direction of Ida Arehart sang. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Rev. J. D. Matthius, of Indianapolis. Other talks were given by Rev. M. Eickstaedt, of LaPorte, and Rev. Arnold Cook, of Gary. Messages were broadcast over the station in six different languages. The Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce was represented on the program by Attorney E. J. Freund and Mayor E. W. Agar.

Sale of the Westville Indicator, a weekly newspaper established at Westville in 1882, to Edward Steward, of Bridgeman, Mich., was announced today by Rose Martin, the owner. Martin has edited the paper since the death of her husband, Charles E. Martin, three years ago. The Martins became connected with the paper in 1885.

March 17, 1925

The Valparaiso Retail Credit Association was formed tonight at the Hotel Lembke with John W. Van Ness, president; Fred Moltz, vice president; J. L. Spooner, treasurer, and Wallace Sutter, secretary. Headquarters will be established in the new Elks Temple.

March 18, 1925

J. A. Leming, of Wilson, N.Y. was injured Saturday evening when struck by a vamp autoist as he was walking along Dunes Highway, north of Chesterton. He was brought to the Porter County infirmary in Valparaiso following medical treatment administered at Chesterton.

March 19, 1925

Two candidates for the Republican nomination for the office of mayor in Valparaiso are now filed. They are Edgerton W. Agar, present mayor, and John R. Burch, city councilman. Agar announced several days ago and Burch cast his hat into the ring yesterday. Grace Blachly, city clerk, has announced she will again be a candidate.

Alex McCabe, Chicago man, charged with the slaying of Attorney Thad S. Fancher, in the Halfway House shooting at Cedar Lake nearly a year ago, went on trial in Porter Superior Court today before Special Judge Wirt Worden, of LaPorte. This is the second trial of the case, a jury returning a disagreement at a former trial held in November. McCabe is represented by William Scott Steward and W. W. O’Brien, Chicago lawyers.

March 20, 1925

Hannah E. Hauff, of Valparaiso, was honored at the state convention of Royal Neighbors held at Indianapolis when she was elected to the office of vice oracle, making the third time she has been selected for state office. For four years she served as state receiver-recorder.

A jury was obtained at 11 o’clock this morning in the case of Alex McCabe, of Chicago, on trial in Porter Superior Court on a charge of slaying Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, during a holdup of the Halfway House, near Cedar Lake, last May. Court was adjourned until Monday morning immediately following the selection of the jury.

March 21, 1925

Committees of various local civic organizations, chamber of commerce, Kiwanis, Rotary, and manufacturing heads, Mayor E. W. Agar, and members of the Valparaiso City Council, held a conference last evening at Hotel Lembke with officials of the Calumet Gas & Electric Company regarding the proposed new rates for electricity soon to be established by the company in this city. Charles W. Chase, president of the company, and W. A. Peifer, rate expert, were present at the meeting.

The Borden Milk Company, of Chicago, is eyeing the dairy district in north Porter County. A representative of the company recently made a survey of the district and secured the pledge of 400 cans of milk per day from farmers. Chesterton, Burdick, and Woodville are being considered by company officials as possible locations for a dairy plant.

March 22, 1925

William H. Sheaffer, former deputy prosecutor of Porter County under Field Ray Marine, has been appointed deputy prosecutor in charge of the grand jury of Marion County. He was named by Marion County Prosecutor William Remy on Saturday. Sheaffer succeeds Daniel White, who was appointed by Governor Ed Jackson to serve as special judge of the Indianapolis City Court. Sheaffer was married last June to Mary Somerville, of Clinton, Ind., formerly a teacher in the Valparaiso City Schools.

Frank Cochran, of Crown Point, who was with Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, when he was slain in the Halfway House holdup near Cedar Lake last May, testified in superior court here today that Alex McCabe, on trial for Fancher’s murder, fired the shot that resulted in Fancher’s death later in a Gary hospital. Cochran positively identified McCabe as being in the Halfway House at the time of the holdup by a gang of Chicago hoodlums. He also testified that Johnny O’Reilly, given a life sentence by a Porter County jury, shot him in the heel.

March 23, 1925

Robbers, believed to be professional safe crackers, drilled their way into the vault at the Valparaiso Post Office early today and made away with $41,000, principally in stamps. The robbers employed an electric drill. Everett Lembke, clerk at the post office, who went on duty at 4 o’clock in the morning, discovered the robbery. A. N. Worstell, postmaster, went to Gary this morning to obtain a supply of stamps until a fresh supply of stamps can be obtained from Washington.

March 24, 1925

Mystery surrounds the finding of Anna Waltrox, Furnessville girl, bound and gagged along the Michigan Central Railroad, near Furnessville, yesterday morning. Deputy Sheriff Burney Maxwell was sent to Furnessville to investigate but was unable to learn much owing to the fact that the girl was unable to tell how she came to be in the place where she was found. Several weeks ago, the girl was found along the railroad tracks, her feet and hands bound in the same manner. People living in the Furnessville vicinity are inclined to believe that relatives are attempting to get the girl killed in order to collect money from the railroad. 

March 25, 1925

Valparaiso’s big post office robbery, in which $41,000 in stamps were obtained in a recent early morning haul, is now in the hands of government postal inspectors for solution. A number of crack officials of the post office department arrived here this morning and began work on obtaining clues. It is the belief of postal authorities that the robbers came from Chicago.

Dr. Harvey S. Cook is the latest aspirant for the Republican nomination for mayor of Valparaiso. Dr. Cook’s entry was the result of persuasion on the part of his friends, he said, and not for political honors. His filing brings the list of Republicans out for the office up to three. Mayor E. W. Agar and John R. Burch, city councilman, are the other candidates who have filed.

March 26, 1925

The estate of William E. Pinney, former Valparaiso banker, who died last August in Chicago, will pay the largest inheritance tax ever levied against an estate in Porter County. This afternoon in Porter Circuit Court, Judge H. H. Loring set the estate down for tax purposes and the sum of $5,447.87 was levied. The net of the estate after deducting debts is $209,595.81. In addition to the Indiana tax, federal, and state taxes in other states will be paid.

Attorney T. C. Mullen, of Michigan City, formerly of Valparaiso, and nephew of Attorney Daniel E. Kelly, will be honored with the decoration of the Military Order of the Sepulchre, one of the highest honors to be conferred upon a Catholic layman. The ceremonies will take place in the Sacred Heart Church, Michigan City, in the near future. Only four persons in the United States have received this honor.

March 27, 1925

Closing arguments in the case of Alex McCabe, Chicago gangster on trial for the slaying of Attorney Thad S. Fancher, of Crown Point, in the Halfway House near Cedar Lake, in May 1924, were made today in Porter Superior Court. Speaking for the defense were Attorney Frank B. Parks, Attorney Oliver Loomis, and Attorney Daniel E. Kelly, of Valparaiso, and Attorney W. W. O’Brien, of Chicago. Prosecutor August Bremer, of Lake County, and his chief deputy, Franklin T. Fetterer, spoke for the state. Special Judge Wirt Worden, of LaPorte, instructed the jury at the close of the arguments.

Valparaiso firemen are raising a fund for the relief of persons who suffered in the recent tornado which swept over southern Indiana. F. H. Miller, chief of the Terre Haute Fire Department, made an appeal to the local firemen, and they started the ball rolling to raise a small fund.

The Tri-State Tornado of 1925 took place between 1 and 4:30 o’clock on the afternoon of March 18, 1925, killing 695 people and destroying the town of Griffin in southern Indiana. As of 2025, the Tri-State Tornado is the deadliest tornado in United States history. 

March 28, 1925

Alex McCabe was found guilty of the murder of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, in the Halfway House holdup near Cedar Lake, May 1924, by a jury in Porter Superior Court last night. The conviction on a second-degree murder charge carried a life sentence. The jury returned its verdict at 10:30 o’clock, after six hours deliberation. It was the second trial of the case; a previous jury having returned a disagreement. After the jury had announced its verdict, attorney W. W. O’Brien, of Chicago, one of McCabe’s attorneys, filed a motion for a new trial.

A large audience greeted the appearance of “Texas Jack” Sullivan, well known western movie actor, and former Valparaiso man, at the Lincoln Theater last night when he gave a talk in connection with the presentation of his own five-reel picture, “The Fate Trail,” in which he plays a stellar role.

March 29, 1925

Alfreda, three-and-a-half-year-old daughter of Lola McPherson, died Saturday evening at the family home on Beech Street of burns suffered last Thursday when she accidentally fell into a bonfire at the Hall home on North Valparaiso Street. The lungs of the little victim were seared by inhaling the hot fumes.

Captain Mike Shurr, of the Valparaiso High School basketball team, scored 232 points during the 1924-25 season. He caged eighty-two field goals and sixty-eight free throws. Fred White was second high scorer with 140 points. Both men played in seventeen games.

March 30, 1925

John H. Cooley, Gary real estate dealer, and founder of the Cooley subdivision in Portage Township, Porter County, died yesterday morning at his home in Homewood, Ill., from a stroke of paralysis. He lived in Chicago but maintained an office in Gary.

Albert and Edith Arms, residing at Flint Lake, have sold their residence property there, and are preparing to move to Withee, Wis. The Arms came to Valparaiso fifteen years ago, and for a number of years were engaged in the grocery business at the Grand Trunk Depot.

March 31, 1925

William P. Shadoan, former Centre College gridiron star, and former coach at Valparaiso University, has been selected as athletic director at Centre College in Danville, Ky. Shadoan resigned as coach at Valparaiso University during the basketball season to take a position as assistant to "Chief" Robert Myers, at that time in full control of athletics at Centre College.

Looking Back • February 1925

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

February 1, 1925

William Shadoan, coach of athletics at Valparaiso University for the last two years, has resigned his position to take a job of assistant coach at Center College, Danville, Ky., according to an announcement made today by Dr. C. L. Bartholomew, president of the advisory council of the Valparaiso University Athletic Association. Shadoan formerly played on the Center College eleven. He will be succeeded here by Millard Anderson, of Gary, who was graduated from the local school last year.

Merchandise valued at $600 was obtained by robbers who plundered the Sievers Drug Store on East Lincolnway in Valparaiso early Sunday morning. Entrance was made by jimmying the transom of the front door. Fountain pens, pencils, Ingersoll Watches, cigarettes, and $13 in cash comprised the loot.

February 2, 1925

William Bundy, age 70, building contractor, of Valparaiso, was struck and killed by a Pennsylvania passenger train at the Axe Avenue crossing this morning. Bundy was walking along the tracks at the time and apparently did not notice the approach of the train. Identification of the body was made through a receipt found in a bill fold on the body.

February 3, 1925

Allen Dalrymple, of Valparaiso, who has been connected with the Associated Press, has been made one of the three managers for the Associated Press in Chicago. Previous to taking employment with the Associated Press, Dalrymple was employed on the Indianapolis News.

February 4, 1925

Edmund J. Freund, of the law firm of Daly & Freund, was elected president of the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce at a meeting of the directors held this Noon at Hotel Lembke. Freund was named in place of Harry R. Ball, who was elected last week, but was unable to accept because of pressing business as manager of the Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company. Freund has been a member of the chamber since its founding in 1912. At that time, he served as director.

Valparaiso Mayor Edgerton W. Agar today voiced his thanks to citizens for their cooperation in obeying the terms of the new preferential street ordinance recently adopted by the city council. The mayor, however, stated that a number of motorists were still guilty of speeding and that police have been instructed to arrest these violators.

February 5, 1925

Valparaiso University lost to Western State Normal at University Gym last night, 26 to 24, in overtime. Borderging, forward for Western State Normal, won the game in the last few seconds of play when he dribbled in under the basket and the ball arched in. Valparaiso outscored the visitors from the field, but the latter made good on six free throws to Valpo’s two.

Jury commissioners Paul Nuppnau and E. J. Gardner this afternoon drew a special venire of fifty talesman for the case of Alec McCabe, Chicago man charged with first degree murder in the slaying of Crown Point attorney Thad Fancher in the Halfway House shooting on May 4, 1924. The case will come up for trial before Judge Harry L. Crumpacker in Porter Superior Court on Monday. Women are included in the list of prospective jurors.

February 6, 1925

A continuance in the Alec McCabe murder case scheduled for trial in Porter Superior Court on Monday loomed today. August Bremer, who became prosecutor of Lake County on Jan. 1, has announced he will seek a continuance because of the withdrawal of William J. McAleer, of Hammond, as special prosecutor. McCabe will be defended by Stewart & O’Brien, well known Chicago attorneys, and Kelley & Loomis, of Valparaiso. McCabe is charged with the murder of Crown Point attorney Thad Fancher. This marks the second trial of the case, the first resulting in a disagreement.

Twelve Porter County residents were granted full citizenship papers at a hearing conducted in Judge H. H. Loring’s Porter Circuit Court today by W. W. Wiggins, naturalization examiner from Chicago. One man was denied his papers when he declared he would not, on account of his religious belief, bear arms against an invading foe.

February 7, 1925

Valparaiso High School defeated Crown Point High School at Crown Point last night, 34 to 27. Valparaiso trailed at half time, 20 to 19, but in the second half speeded up to forge ahead. Fred White and Harold Shurr led the Valpo attack. Valparaiso seconds defeated Crown Point seconds, 39 to 20.

William E. Morthland, surveyor of Porter County, went to Rensselaer today to confer with Edward Nesbitt, surveyor of Jasper County, in regard to the boundary line between the two counties. The last legislature changed the dividing line of the two counties from the bed of the old Kankakee River to the Marble-Powers Ditch. Morthland will make a survey of the new dividing line for a report to the Porter County Commissioners.

February 8, 1925

The newly remodeled Baptist Church of Valparaiso was dedicated with two special services on Sunday. Large crowds attended each service. Rev. W. W. Ayer, the pastor, spoke both morning and evening. Services will be held in the church every evening this week. The new improvements cost $20,000.

A bill for the conversion of Valparaiso University into a state normal school is to be introduced into the state legislature. Senators Will Brown, of Hebron, and W. F. Hodges, of Gary, are sponsoring the bill. The measure, which has been drafted, gives Porter County the authority to take over the institution, pay off its present indebtedness, and turn it over to the state debt free. The state will look after its maintenance and operation. The bill has the endorsement of Valparaiso Alumni.

February 9, 1925

Alice Gray Wilson, known as “Diana of the Dunes,” died Sunday Noon in her shack along the Lake Michigan shore in northwest Porter County. Diana died in the arms of her husband, Paul Wilson. She was a university graduate who lived in the wild regions of the dunes for four years. Some say she chose the dune life because of a disappointment in love; others said she avoided society for an abode in the dunes to give expression to her own personality. Wilson met her when he was camping in the dunes. They mated and he took up the existence of the wood nymph who had chosen the sandy wonderland for her home. Her last dying wish was that her body be cremated and the ashes scattered to the four winds in the dunes.

A fire scare resulted at Valparaiso’s Central School building at 6:40 o’clock this morning. The blaze originated in a number of wastepaper bales piled on a platform over the coal room. Frank Field and Henry Jensen, janitors, discovered the blaze. They attempted to extinguish it with a small hose but were unable to quell it. The fire department was notified and both trucks responded. The firemen played several lines of hose on the fire before it was extinguished. The damage was about $200.

February 10, 1925

The fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout organization was celebrated with a banquet attended by 275 scouts, their parents, and friends at Altruria Hall. Albert Bouck, local scoutmaster, acted as toastmaster. Dr. A. O. Dobbins gave the address of welcome. A delegation of ten LaPorte scouts attended the meeting. The main address was delivered by Councilman Rollin C. Higley, of Valparaiso. This evening a delegation of twenty-five local men will go to LaPorte to attend a banquet at Rumley Hotel, at which scout plans for Porter and LaPorte Counties will be discussed.

February 11, 1925

Irene Szold, of Valparaiso, sang a group of solos at the Hungarian University Club banquet at the Atlantic Hotel in Chicago last week. Szold is attending school in Chicago and has received considerable favorable comment from the Chicago press. Dr. A. Rodosy, an uncle of Szold, was in charge of the program for the banquet.

February 12, 1925

A rose for each woman visitor, a cigar for each man, and a popcorn ball for each child who came with good wishes for the new Indiana Treasurer of State was given in the treasurer’s office at the state house in Indianapolis yesterday when Ben H. Urbahns, of Valparaiso, took the oath of office administered by Julius C. Travis, Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice. Governor Jackson and heads of all departments attended. Baskets of flowers were received from friends and organizations. Urbahns’ wife, Grace, and two children, John and Dorthea, were in the receiving line.

Cases against three alleged Gary murders, Robert Edwards, Nat Tatum, and Abe Irvin, were venued here from Lake County yesterday to the Porter Circuit Court. Attorneys for the men declared they would be unable to obtain fair and impartial trials in Lake County.

February 13, 1925

A. J. Glover, of Fort Atkinson, Wisc., editor of Hoard’s Dairyman, and one of the foremost authorities on dairy subjects in Wisconsin, will speak at a meeting of the Porter Township Farmers’ Bureau at Boone Grove, Friday night, Feb. 20. On the following day, Glover will talk to a gathering of dairymen at the Porter County Courthouse.

E. S. Miller, of Valparaiso, will give a talk on “Handling the Crop” at the third annual Indiana Bee-Keepers Short Course and Conference to be held at Purdue University in Lafayette between Feb. 16 to 19.

February 14, 1925

Valparaiso High School basketeers defeated Goshen High at University Gym last night by a score of 33 to 20. Captain Mike Shurr led his teammates with 13 points. Valpo led at half time, 11 to 7.

William Edwards, age 76 years, for fifteen years captain of the Valparaiso Fire Department, died at his home in Valparaiso last night. He was born in London, England, and came to Valparaiso in 1874.

February 15, 1925

Valparaiso University’s basketball team won a thrilling 24-to-23 game against St. Viator College at Kankakee on Saturday night. Kenneth “Bourq” Bourquin with eleven points, was Valparaiso’s best shooter. Earl “Scotty” Scott played a dazzling floor game for Valparaiso. Bowe and Dalrymple starred for St. Viator. Valparaiso High was defeated at LaPorte on Saturday night, 59 to 16. Wells, with fifteen points, and “Inky” Pease with nineteen points, led the LaPorte attack. White was high for Valpo with eight points. Valpo missed fifteen free throws.

Letters received here from St. Petersburg, Fla., state that the condition of Bennett Clifford, of Valparaiso, shows satisfactory improvement. Recent reports were prevalent about the city that his condition was critical, and no hopes were held out for his recovery. This is denied by his physician, Dr. G. H. Stoner. The latter left for St. Petersburg last night to visit Clifford.

February 16, 1925

Robert Edwards, Nat Tatum, and Abe Irvin, charged with first degree murder under indictments returned by a grand jury in Lake County, were brought here Saturday from Crown Point by Lake County authorities and turned over to Sheriff W. B. Forney. The three men were granted changes of venue by Judge Martin Smith. No dates of the trials of the trio have been set.

Sheriff W. B. Forney, assisted by Deputies William Pennington, Burney Maxwell, and James E. Jones conducted a raid on roadhouses along the Dunes Highway on Sunday morning. Seven men were arrested in the roundup, and four were fined for frequenting bawdy houses and three for public intoxication. Justice G. E. Bornholt heard the case.

February 17, 1925

Boris Kozlenko, owner of a general merchandise store on Indiana Avenue, and also interested in the Court Hotel, has leased a building near Thirteenth and Broadway in Gary and will open up a general merchandise store. The Gary store will be run by his son, Abe.

February 18, 1925

The sixty-first anniversary of the founding of the Knights of Pythias will be observed by the Valparaiso lodge in conjunction with other lodges of the county at a special meeting to be held Thursday evening at the lodge rooms on Lincolnway. No special program has been arranged for the occasion, local officials stated today.

February 19, 1925

The body of Bennett Clifford, age 30, who died at St. Petersburg, Fla., following an extended illness, will be brought to Valparaiso tomorrow morning and taken to the home of his parents, P. W. and Catherine Clifford, on North Washington Street, pending funeral services on Sunday at 2:30 o’clock at St. Paul’s Catholic Church.

Bryan Barkley, of Canton, Ill., wanted at that place on a forgery charge, walked into the office of Sheriff W. B. Forney, in the courthouse today and informed the official he was wanted in Illinois by the authorities. He said he secured $200 in the job. He was locked up in the local jail and Canton officers notified.

February 20, 1925

Luther College defeated Valparaiso University basketeers 33 to 22 at Decorah, Iowa, last night. Harold “Beanie” Harris, high scoring forward for Valparaiso, failed to cage a basket. His only contribution was two free throws. Kenneth “Bourq” Bourquin led the Valpo attack with eleven points. Valpo meets Dubuque, at Dubuque, tonight and Columbia tomorrow night.

E. L. Loomis, who headed a delegation of workers from Valparaiso to Indianapolis in the interest of Senate Bill No. 238, for the taking over of Valparaiso University by the state, returned home last night. The party is optimistic concerning the outlook for passage of the bill, which is expected to come up for final action sometime next week. A delegation will go to Indianapolis on Monday in the interest of the bill.

February 21, 1925

Valparaiso University defeated Dubuque College last night, at Dubuque, 39 to 32. James “Jimmy” Doran, for Valpo, played a fine floor game and rang up five baskets and one free throw. Kenneth “Bourq” Bourquin led for Valparaiso with thirteen points. Valpo High School defeated Lowell High School, at Lowell, 31 to 21. It was the second time in six years the locals have been able to beat Lowell on the latter’s floor.

Frances Smith, who has been a patient at the Christian Hospital in Valparaiso for the last twelve years, is entertaining a number of her friends this afternoon at the hospital in honor of her birthday anniversary. Smith, who is 46 years old today, has been a helpless invalid for 34 years, because of an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. She has no near relatives, but many true friends see that she has the necessities and pleasures that would be impossible otherwise.

February 22, 1925

Great work by Harold “Beanie” Harris enabled Valparaiso University to defeat Columbia University at Dubuque on Saturday night, 24 to 14. Harris scored twelve points. Close guarding by James “Jimmy” Doran and Earl “Scotty” Scott prevented Columbia from getting close to the basket for shots.

Prosecuting Attorney August Bremer, of Lake County, succeeded in obtaining a continuance in the case of Alexander McCabe, Chicago man, charged with slaying Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, when the case came up for hearing in Porter Superior Court this morning. Bremer asked a continuance on the ground that he had only assumed the office of prosecutor on Jan. 1 and was not conversant with the case. Because he would not allow the case to disrupt his schedule of cases already set, Judge H. L. Crumpacker set the case down for trial on March 16. Mark B. Rockwell, of Valparaiso, today appeared as a special prosecutor in the case, having been hired by relatives of Fancher.

February 23, 1925

Safe robbers operated in Valparaiso last night and three places were visited. Those robbed were the Pennsylvania Elevator, on South Washington Street, operated by the McMahan Company, the Foster Lumber & Coal Company at the Grand Trunk, and the Wilson Lumber & Coal Company. At the McMahan Company, the robbers obtained $165 in currency, but overlooked other money. Smaller sums were obtained at the other two places. Thieves also burglarized the Alice Style Shop on Lincolnway and obtained a number of dresses.

February 24, 1925

E. Zarth & Son, of Washington Township, were awarded a bronze medal by the Indiana State Dairy Association for butterfat production during the past year. The Porter County firm had ten cows, each of which produced 300 pounds of butterfat for the year.

February 25, 1925

Ross A. Woodhull, former Valparaiso man, was re-elected councilman of the Seventh Ward, Chicago, at an election held yesterday. He easily defeated Jeremiah O’Leary, proprietor of the Jackson Park Tavern. Woodhull has served on the council for a number of years and is recognized as one of the ablest men on the body. At present, he is chairman of the finance committee, one of the most important positions on the council. He was born in Valparaiso and was graduated from the local high school. He is a son of A. E. Woodhull, former mayor of Valparaiso. Last October, Alderman Woodhull was principal speaker at the laying of the cornerstone of the new temple of the Valparaiso Lodge of Elks.

Valparaiso is responding to the appeal for financial assistance of the families of men who lost their lives in the mine disaster last week near Sullivan, Ind. A. A. Hughart, of the Farmer’s State Bank, treasurer of the fund, reported that $23 in contributions had been received since last night. It is hoped to raise $100 in this city.

Note: Sullivan City Mine explosion in Sullivan County, Indiana, on February 20, 1925, killed fifty-one miners and was the deadliest mine disaster in Indiana's history. The explosion was caused by sparks from machinery igniting gas and coal dust. 

February 26, 1925

State authorities have ordered Trustee Charles Pearson, of Westchester Township, to complete the remodeling of the Chesterton Grade School, damaged some time ago by fire. Pearson, in company with Attorney George R. Williams, of Chesterton, and Architect Erickson, of Gary, was in Indianapolis this week conferring with the state board regarding the reconstruction of the building. The board objected to having the building restored as it was and insisted on changes which will cost about $10,000 in addition to the $22,000 of insurance received. The new building will consist of ten rooms instead of the former configuration of eight.

Luther College, of Decorah, Ia., which defeated Valpo recently when the locals were on a western trip, were defeated last night at University Gym by a score of 38 to 26. Harold “Beanie” Harris, Robert “Caddy” Cadwallader, Kenneth “Bourq” Bourquin, and James “Jimmy” Doran were the heavy scorers for Valpo.

February 27, 1925

Insurance companies are wondering if a fire bug is at work in the west part of Porter County. Within the last month, four large barns valued at many thousands of dollars have been burned. The barns burned were owned by Simon McGinley, Harry E. Hodsden, Hiram Church, and Edward Rohwedder. The loss to each farmer was several times the insurance carried. In the McGinley fire, eighty head of cattle and horses were burned.

The Dunes Park project in Porter County was brought to the attention of Governor Edward Jackson yesterday when a committee composed of Senators Will Brown and Claude S. Steele, Representatives William Hill and William Guthrie, chairman of the state conservation commission, met with the governor to discuss the situation. The members pointed out that a vacancy existed in the committee. The possibilities of the project were reviewed by a committee, and the patience of the owners of large tracts of the sand dune country who have been holding the property for two years for the state commended. These landowners, Senator Brown said, have refused offers of twice the price for which they are willing to sell to the state, in the hope and belief that the state is sincere in its proposal to establish a sand dunes park along the shores of Lake Michigan.

February 28, 1925

Valparaiso’s first woman member of the school board, Mittie Colglazier Stoner, last night submitted her resignation to the city council. Stoner asked to be relieved of her duties by March 18. Business reasons were assigned for her retirement. Accepting the resignation with regret, the council will take no action until its next meeting on March 13.

Charles M. Lush, of Valparaiso, for many years connected with the Maxwell Implement Company, today purchased the business at an auction sale held by Commissioner Charles L. Surprise, appointed by the federal court in Hammond. Surprise took charge of the Maxwell Implement Company after the firm had gone into bankruptcy. The general store owned by the company at Ober, Ind., was sold to a Mr. Goldberg, of Chicago.

Looking Back • January 1925

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

January 1, 1925

J. A. Houghton will succeed T. B. Louderback as Justice of the Peace for Center Township. Mr. Houghton has been serving for some time as a deputy constable. Louderback, who has been serving as a Justice of the Peace for nearly fifty years, will retire.

January 2, 1925

Valparaiso High School defeated East Chicago High School basketeers at University Gymnasium by a score of 35 to 32. East Chicago has been undefeated in seven games this season. Both teams set a terrific pace throughout. Wilfred Smith’s bunch was unable to stop Captain Mike Shurr, who garnered fifteen points.

January 3, 1925

Among those mentioned for the federal judge appointment in Indiana as the Hickey Bill passes, is Judge Harry L. Crumpacker, judge of the Porter-LaPorte Superior Court. Porter and LaPorte County lawyers are expected to get behind his candidacy. Senator James E. Watson has indicated that he will favor a man from the northern part of the state.

January 4, 1925

The first bonus insurance given by the government to men who saw service in the World War arrived here today from Washington, D.C. Morris O’Donnell, Kay Sundeen, Louis Benham, Ray Weiler, and Harry Gustafson, of Valparaiso, were the recipients of the insurance. These men were among the first to make an application for the insurance to the department at Washington.

January 5, 1925

The office equipment of Willard Powell, head of the Polk School of Piano Tuning, is being transported via auto truck to LaPorte where the school, in all its entirety, will be located after April 1. While the office will be in LaPorte, the school is still being conducted in Valparaiso. The new $50,000 building now being erected in LaPorte will not be completed until sometime in April. The school equipment will not be moved until the new building is ready.

January 6, 1925

Marion Curtis, county commissioner from the South District, was elected president of the board of commissioners for Porter County at the board’s first meeting of the year on Monday. C. E. Fifield was named secretary. Curtis succeeds F. W. Alpen, whose term as commissioner expired.

January 7, 1925

The Valparaiso Retail Credit Association was formed last night following a banquet of merchants and professional men held at the Meg Shop in Valparaiso. The charter membership starts out with thirty. The organization of the bureau is to begin immediately and will be led by Wallace C. Sutter, manager of the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce. Sutter outlined the workings of the system to be employed.

National silver medals awarded by the United States Lawn Tennis Association to the champions of the various tennis centers of the country were received yesterday by Phyllis Hisgen and Fred LePell, of Valparaiso. The local young people are junior champions of Northern Indiana. Miss Hisgen has won the honors in the girls’ division for the last two years, defeating opponents in South Bend and Gary. LePell was semi-finalist and runner-up in 1923, and in 1924 defeated Andy Pepa, of Gary.

January 8, 1925

John M. Tennery, proprietor of a grocery store on North Washington Street in Valparaiso, was appointed a Justice of the Peace by the county commissioners at a meeting of the board this afternoon. He succeeds the office left vacant by W. W. Bozarth, who became prosecutor on January 1. Tennery was formerly a lawyer and once held the office of prosecutor in an Illinois city.

Nine high school students, five girls and four boys, will contest on the public speaking platform at the Central School on January 15. A five-dollar prize will be given to the winner in each group. Those taking part, all members of the 1925 graduating class are: Virginia Fisher, Anita Parker, Mary Ellen Billings, Ruth Vevia, Dorothy Goodpasture, Leroy Chumley, Ralph Spindler, Earl Burns, and Sedgwick Sanford.

January 9, 1925

Valparaiso University basketball quint defeated Wheaton College last night at University Gymnasium by a score of 31 to 24. Harris, Bournquin, and Doran starred for Valparaiso, and Rosenkranze was high point man for Wheaton with 9 points.

George W. Ferguson, formerly operator of the Lincoln Theater in Valparaiso, is now engaged in the general merchandising business at Deep River. Ferguson has traded the Orpheum Theater, owned by him at Converse, Ind., to S. E. Miller, of Chicago, for the latter’s general store at Deep River.

January 10, 1925

Harry L. Crumpacker, of Michigan City, judge of Porter-LaPorte Superior Court, was endorsed for the appointment of federal judge of Indiana at a meeting of the Porter County Bar Association on Friday afternoon at the courthouse. Officers were elected as follows: Grant Crumpacker, president; William W. Bozarth, vice-president; Mark B. Rockwell, secretary, and Bruce B. Loring, treasurer.

Dr. H. T. Patrick, famous Chicago nerve and blood specialist, who took a prominent part in the Loeb and Leopold Trial in Chicago as a witness, was in Valparaiso yesterday in consultation with Dr. M. B. Fyfe in the case of B. L. Brenner, who has been confined to his home by illness.

January 11, 1925

Plymouth High School basketball team defeated Valparaiso High for the second time at Plymouth Saturday night by a score of 33 to 20. Bixell, center for Plymouth, was the main star of the evening with 15 points. Captain Shurr, of Valparaiso, scored 10 points, or half of the local’s total.

Ruth Anette, 20-months-old daughter of Lester and Ruth Manis, 506 Union Street in Valparaiso, was instantly killed Saturday night when she rolled out of her father’s arms and fell against the sharp end of a traveling trunk. The aorta in the abdomen was ruptured. Seven hours after the mishap, a little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Manis.

January 12, 1925

In the event the establishment of a normal school in Northwestern Indiana is authorized by the state legislature, efforts to have the new institution located at either Winona College or Valparaiso University will be made by representatives of the state, it has been learned. The campaign to obtain a state normal school for this section of the state was launched in Gary last week at a Gary Commercial Club meeting with representatives from ten Northern Indiana counties.

The heating apparatus in Valparaiso’s new Elk’s Lodge building will be ready for the first heat tomorrow, and the fire will be started for the purpose of frying out the building preparatory to starting the plastering work. Al Lebrecque, of Valparaiso, will be in charge of the work. It is expected the building will be completed by May 1.

January 13, 1925

A special venire of fifty talesmen will be drawn by jury commissioners of the Porter Superior Court for the case of Alex McCabe, charged with murder. Kelly & Loomis, local attorneys for McCabe, filed the request for the special venire. When the commissioners meet on January 26, they will draw the grand and petit jurors for the February term of court, which begins February 2.

January 14, 1925

Snowplows are being used on the highways of Porter County to clear the thoroughfares of drifting snow. Joseph Crowe, county superintendent of roads, stated today that he has two plows already in operation and will have a third tomorrow. The plows are placed in front of the big trucks to give all the traction possible. The state highway commission has a force of men and plows at work making the state roads passable.

January 15, 1925

Valparaiso University’s basketball quint swamped DePaul University last night at University Gymnasium by a score of 37 to 13. “Beanie” Harris, with five baskets, and “Bourq” Bourquin, with six buckets, featured the Valpo attack. A tight defense by “Scotty” Scott, “Hippy” Hiltpold, and “Jimmie” Doran prevented DePaul from making any headway in the scoring line.

Albert Hirsth, a former Valpo boy, now a resident of Jamshedpur, India, was in Valparaiso on Wednesday visiting friends. He is an important official of the Tata Iron and Steel Company at Jamshedpur, owned by Indian capital. Prior to going to India five years ago, he was connected with the Illinois Steel Company, of Gary, and the U.S. Steel Company, of Youngstown, Ohio. About twenty white men are employed in the steel mills at Jamshedpur, which is about half the size of the Gary steel mills.

January 16, 1925

Anita Parker and Sedgwick Sanford were declared winners in the annual public speaking contest of the Senior Class of the Valparaiso High School held last night at the Central School. Eight young people took part in the contest. Others taking part were Virginia Fisher, Leroy Chumley, Ruth Vevia, Dorothy Goodpasture, Mary Ellen Billings, and Ralph Spindler. Earl Burns, also scheduled to speak, was unable to do so because of illness.

Charles L. Jeffrey, chairman of the building committee of the Valparaiso Elks Lodge, was elected trustee of the lodge at a spirited meeting held to fill a vacancy caused by the death of J. A. “Bert” Wise. Two other candidates for the position, Julius Albe and W. W. Bozarth, withdrew before the balloting.

January 17, 1925

Valparaiso High School defeated Crown Point High School at University Gymnasium last night by a score of 56 to 21. The locals gathered 27 points in the first half and 29 in the second. Crown Point tallied four points in charity tosses in the first half and got 17 points in the second half when Valpo reserves were sent in. Mike Shurr scored 10 baskets and three free throws while White caged eight baskets and one free throw for Valpo. Eleven Valpo and twelve Crown Point players saw service in the game.

One divorce was granted to every twenty marriage licenses issued in Porter County during 1924, according to the annual report of Porter County Clerk Roscoe J. Jones. The report showed that 27 divorces were granted as compared with the issuance of 540 marriage licenses.

January 18, 1925

Valparaiso music lovers enjoyed a musical treat Saturday evening at the Valparaiso University auditorium when they listened to the rendition of two operas by the Hinshaw Opera Company of New York City. “Bastien and Bastienne” and “The Impresario” were the two productions by William Wade Hinshaw, head of the Hinshaw Company, who is a former graduate and teacher of music at the university.

Charles S. Pierce was elected chairman of the Republican Central Committee at a reorganization meeting held Saturday afternoon at Valparaiso City Hall. Edmund J. Freund acted as chairman of the meeting. Freund declined the office of secretary, a post which he has held for the last ten years. John P. Crumpacker was named in his place. Ernest J. Gardner was named treasurer. Freund is at present secretary of the county central committee.

January 19, 1925

A person suffers no legal detriment when his name is advertised in a list of accounts for sale according to a decision handed down by Judge H. H. Loring in Porter Circuit Court today in the case of Schrier versus the LaCrosse Elevator Company. Schrier asked for $10,000 in damages. According to evidence, Schrier paid the bill before the accounts were advertised but the company failed to take his name off the list.

Members of Charity Rebekah Lodge, of Valparaiso, will bring back the old-fashioned sleigh ride party Wednesday night when they accompany Jessie Wise, of Valparaiso, to Wheeler. Wise, in the capacity of district president of the Rebekahs in Porter and LaPorte Counties, will make tentative arrangements for holding the district meeting in Wheeler this spring.

January 20, 1925

The former L. D. Wolf property at the corner of Washington and Chicago Streets in Valparaiso, comprising two lots and two residence properties, has been sold by the Porter Lodge of Masons, owners, to Judith Smith, of Valparaiso. The lodge acquired the site a year ago with the intention of building a home. Since that time, the lodge purchased the Sievers building on East Lincolnway and is remodeling it for a home.

January 21, 1925

Bert L. Brenner, well-known local druggist, died this morning at his home on North Michigan Avenue. He had been ill for four months. Brenner came to Valparaiso in 1912 and purchased the W. H. Williams Drug Store. His wife preceded him in death four years ago. A son, Ralph, survives, as well as three brothers.

January 22, 1925

Seven-year-old Grace Thompson, of Kouts, died on the operating table in Valparaiso’s Christian Hospital last evening at 7 o’clock from injuries received when she fell between the wheels of a heavily loaded wagon in Kouts yesterday at 4 o’clock. The accident resulted when the girl climbed on the side of a coal wagon to hitch a ride. In some manner, she fell off and one of the rear wheels passed over her head and shoulders.

A petition was filed today with the Porter County Commissioners calling for the annexation of 2,000 acres of land to the Town of Chesterton. The territory sought to be annexed is situated north of the town, extending to Lake Michigan. The move is being taken by the town to provide a water supply by piping to Lake Michigan.

January 23, 1925

The Indiana Elks’ Association will hold its twenty-fourth annual meeting in Valparaiso on August 18, 19, and 20. In conjunction with the meeting, the new $250,000 lodge home of the local Elks will be dedicated. The new structure will be in readiness for the convention. Committees named by the lodge are now working to perfect the plans for the meeting, which is expected to attract several thousand out-of-town Elks here.

The B. L. Brenner Drug Store, which has been closed because of the death of Brenner, will reopen with J. L. Spooner, of the Lincoln Highway Garage, in charge. Spooner was named as administrator of the estate and given authority to conduct the business.

January 24, 1925

Members of the Valparaiso City Council and a group of Valparaiso citizens engaged in a rather heated discussion at Friday night’s session over the proposition of appointing a policewoman. The same matter has been called to the attention of the solons two weeks ago. Some of the citizens who are backing the appointment of a woman official in the police department openly charged the council with attempting to pass the buck. According to City Attorney E. G. Osborne, Mayor E. W. Agar will have the sole power of appointing the policewoman, but the council has the say on the amount of salary.

Valpoites got out their smoked glasses this morning to witness the eclipse of the sun. The phenomenon reached its greatest height at 7:59 o’clock. Clouds somewhat obscured the views of the gazers. Around 8 o’clock, darkness prevailed and electric lights were turned on in many homes and business places.

January 25, 1925

The fire loss resulting from the destruction of a large barn early Saturday morning on the Simon McGinley farm, near Beatrice, Porter Township, is estimated by McGinley at $15,000. Burned in the fire were 75 cows, two horses, and farming implements. The burned structure was 40x80 feet and was built ten years ago to replace a barn also destroyed by fire.

The Indiana legislature gave the legal sanction for the incorporation of Dunes Acres, new subdivision in Portage Township, Porter County, when a bill was passed Friday at Indianapolis. The legislature action paves the way for a great development by W. A. Wirt, Col. A. P. Melton, and others of Gary. The Gary syndicate has control of 600 acres and has already spent $25,000 developing the property.

January 26, 1925

Mayor Edgerton W. Agar’s ire was aroused by the action of Valparaiso attorneys taking changes of venue from the city court to the Porter Circuit Court. Agar declares that the police department has been given orders to go after a number of bootleggers who have been defying the law. The mayor asserted that the booze peddlers and their attorneys were afraid to take a chance in city court fearing a jail sentence will be meted out.

Loemma T. Chester, of Valparaiso, has received an appointment from the National Board of Health as a lecturer on health and hygiene topics. She leaves for Mississippi to take up her new work and later will go to Massachusetts. Mrs. Chester’s brother, James G. Strong, is a congressman from the Fifth Kansas District.

January 27, 1925

Officials of the Elks’ Lodge have received word that shipment of the new chimes clock to be installed on the new lodge building at the corner of Lincolnway and Lafayette Street in Valparaiso will be made from Minneapolis within two weeks. The clock will cost $5,000.

January 28, 1925

The Burchard Variety Store on Franklin Street in Valparaiso, next to the Philley Brothers’ Store, has been sold to the Charles Mack Company, operators of a string of similar stores in the Chicago vicinity. F. D. Burchard, who established the local store some time ago, will devote his time to his stories at Rensselaer and North Judson.

January 29, 1925

P. V. Davis, of Chicago, arrived here yesterday to take over the management of the local Woolworth store. He succeeds V. L. Cook, who has been local manager for the last year and a half. The latter has been assigned the company’s store in Logansport, Ind. Prior to coming here, Mr. Cook was located at Lincoln, Ill.

A bill will be introduced in the state legislature at Indianapolis within a few days for a separation of the Porter and LaPorte Superior Courts. The proposed legislation is being strongly backed by LaPorte County attorneys. If the bill goes through, the present judge of the court will be judge of the LaPorte Superior Court and a new judge will be named for the Porter Superior Court.

January 30, 1925

The Valparaiso Retail Credit Association will be in working order not later than March 1, according to an announcement made at a meeting of the Merchants’ Bureau of the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce held at Lembke Hall this Noon. Fred Moltz, chairman of the Merchants’ Bureau, presided. Thirty members have been signed to date, and nearly all local businessmen are expected to be signed up within the next week.

Valparaiso Baptists will occupy their new church on Sunday, following remodeling operations which have been under way all summer and fall. The building, however, will not be ready for complete inspection until a week later. During the remodeling operations, the church has been using Odd Fellows Hall for its services.

January 31, 1925

Froebel High, of Gary, defeated Valparaiso High last night at University Gym, 45 to 25. Led by Sammy Pollizootto, who scored 13 points, and Smith, center, who bagged five fielders. The Gary team was never in danger. Captain Mike Shurr led the locals with 12 points. The Valpo reserves defeated the Froebel reserves, 30 to 29.

Valparaiso City Attorney E. Guy Osborne, one of the pioneer automobile dealers of Valparaiso, will not attend the Chicago Auto Show this year. Osborne began selling autos in 1902. He sold Plummer Currier, the first taxicab operator in Valparaiso, his first automobile. He sold cars for ten years and the prices charged in those early days would almost buy a Packard now. During 1907, despite the panic of that year, Osborne enjoyed his best sales year.

Looking Back • December 1924

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

December 1, 1924

Effective today, Wittenberg and Gibbs, implement dealers of Valparaiso, dissolved their partnership. Mr. Gibbs plans to associate himself with the Advance-Rumely Company, LaPorte, and take charge of the distribution of the company’s products in LaPorte, Porter, and the northern half of Lake Counties. Mr. Gibbs’ interest will be taken over by Fred Wittenberg, Jr., and the new firm will be known as Wittenberg and Son. Mr. Gibbs will continue to reside in Valparaiso.

The Anderson Brothers’ stores of Chicago, which has managed the Specht-Finney Grocery for several years, has taken over the meat department, which has been operated by the Steigley Brothers. Since the death of Theodore Steigley, James Steigley has been in charge. He plans to return to LaPorte and open a market. Glen Davidson will continue in charge of the local grocery and market for Anderson Brothers. 

December 2, 1924

The Valparaiso Lodge of Elks will hold memorial services for departed members this Sunday at 3 o’clock inside the Memorial Opera House. Rev. E. Richard Edwards, pastor of the First Christian Church in Valparaiso, will deliver the address. Five members of the lodge have died during the past year.

December 3, 1924

The Porter Circuit Court jury, which sat in the case of Alexander McCabe, Chicago gangster, charged with the slaying of Attorney Thad Thatcher of Crown Point, in the Halfway House holdup near Cedar Lake in May, was discharged late this afternoon by Judge H. L. Crumpacker, special judge, when they were unable to reach a verdict. The jury was out for twenty-six hours.

December 4, 1924

Alexander McCabe, held by the state to be the ringleader of a gang that shot up the Halfway House near Cedar Lake, killing Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, must stand a second trial on the charge. A jury in Porter Circuit Court returned a disagreement after deliberating twenty-six hours on Wednesday. The new trial will probably not be heard until the next term of court. Meanwhile, McCabe will have to remain in jail.

Paul Lowell Dowdell, of Valparaiso, was elected President of the 1925 Senior Class at Valparaiso University on Monday morning. A spirited rivalry was evident throughout the voting which was close among several of the candidates.

December 5, 1924

Following a stirring talk by Martha Derbyshire, president of the Indiana Parent-Teachers’ Association (IPTA), in which she declared that the greatest issue before the American people is the unpreparedness of its men and women to fill the job of being fathers and mothers, two IPTA councils were formed here. Officers of the Valparaiso council are Mittie Stoner, president; Dr. A. O. Dobbins, vice president; Mrs. R. E. Whistler, recording secretary; Mrs. R. J. Stapleton, corresponding secretary; Estella Diefenbach, treasurer; Mrs. C. B. Sanford, Mrs. H. A. Nichols and Mrs. S. E. Deal, executive committee. Members of the Porter County council: Louise Shauer, president; Mrs. Frank Marshall, vice-president; Mary Trudelle, recording secretary; Dorothy DeWitt, corresponding secretary; Raymond Crisman, treasurer; William St. Clair, Rev. O. E. Oxley and Miss Lorena LaHayn, executive committee.

Blanche Merry, state attendance officer, has completed a tour of inspection of the schools in the southern part of Porter County. Nathan Sheppard, county attendance officer, accompanied her on the trip.

December 6, 1924

Peter J. Horn, veteran livestock man of Valparaiso, and his associates, Frank Pressell and E.V. Owens and son, were today winners of three ribbons on hogs at the International Livestock Show in Chicago. First prize came on the showing of hogs in the 250 to 300-pound class raised by Pressell and sons. Second prize was awarded to hogs in 200 to 250-pound class. Third prize was given on pigs weighing from 300 to 350 pounds. Even though 265 hogs were shipped to Chicago, only 159 were exhibited.

Sixty members of the Valparaiso Boy Scouts were awarded qualification badges at a meeting at Valparaiso High School on Friday night. First and second-class badges were also awarded. Short two-minute talks were made by Rev. E. J. Mungovan, Rev. E. W. Strecker, Rev. C. W. Wharton, and Rev. W. W. Ayer.

December 7, 1924

Valparaiso High School’s quintet was defeated by Plymouth High School in the opening game of the season at Valparaiso University gym by a score of 28 to 26. Captain Harold “Mike” Shurr led the Valparaiso team with seven baskets. Kizer, of Plymouth, was best for his team with four baskets and six free throws. Valpo failed to capitalize on free throws, caging only four out of eleven chances.

December 8, 1924

More than two hundred maple, ash, and elm trees were planted in Forest Park, Valparaiso’s new subdivision to the northwest last week. The park covers an area of 112 acres.

December 9, 1924

Walter E. Brownell, of the McGill Manufacturing Company, was today elected president of the Valparaiso Kiwanis, succeeding T. L. Applegate. Other officers named were S. E. Shideler, vice president; R. J. Cory, district trustee; Fred Moltz, treasurer. The Board of Directors is comprised of Dr. C. A. Nixon, F. R. Marine, C. W. Wharton, N. L. Bradfied and Dr. R. D. Blount.

William E. “Mike” Bowman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bowman, of Valparaiso Street, was seriously injured today in Gary when he attempted to open the top of an acetylene torch and the intense heat caused it to explode. Bowman suffered injuries to his chest, face and side, and a double fracture to his left arm.

December 10, 1924

Thirty candidates have reported to Coach Shadoan, of Valparaiso University, for tryouts for the basketball team. All members of the Victory Five, with exception of Andy Anderson, have reported. Among the candidates are Captain Earl Scott, Hiltpold, Harris, Cadwallader, Peterson, Florence, and Surface. Some of the new candidates are Hughes, Doran, Kaleel, Bourquin, Omar, Close, and Lowe.

A large crowd attended the reception tendered for Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Richards at the Christian Church in Valparaiso last night. Rev. Edwards recently came here from Logansport to assume the local pastorate. Talks were given by Mayor E. W. Agar, Rev. C. E. Burns, Mrs. E. D. Crumpacker, Mrs. H. B. Brown, pastors of the various local churches, and Rev. Edwards. Mrs. Cora Benham presided.

December 11, 1924

Thirteen Valparaiso High School athletes, members of the 1924 football team, received awards today. Vernon “Pat” Hauff, student manager, presented the Vs to the players, as follows: George London, Wilford Ebersold, Kenneth Hagen, John Lowenstine, Sedgwick Sanford, Harry Ludington, John McGinley, John Erler, Henry Miller, Russell Dillingham, Harold Shurr, Jack Zimmerman, and Edward Novak. Monograms were awarded to George Hauser, Gust Marks, Dan Wood, Allen Barkely, Fred White, John Spindler, Carter Dillingham, Herman Mohnssen, and William Collins.

Marvin, eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hjelm, of Chesterton, was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon when he was struck by a New York Central passenger train 500 feet west of the depot in Chesterton. The boy, with his brother and another schoolmate, was enroute home from school. It is said the boy attempted to beat his companions home and cut across the tracks in front of the train. Coroner Seipel, of Valparaiso, held an inquest.

December 12, 1924

Vernon “Jamey” Jameson, of Minnesota, was chosen captain of the Valparaiso football team for the coming year at the annual football banquet held at Atluria Hall last night. He succeeds Peter “Chris” Christiansen, who played tackle this year. The team this year won four games, lost two, and tied two, one of the latter being with Center College.

Jonathan Osborn, Valparaiso’s “grand old man” of Masonry, was initiated Thursday evening for the twenty-seventh time as prelate of Valparaiso Commandery, Knights Templars. For over sixty years, Mr. Osborn has been identified with the Masonic Order, joining the lodge at Westville on Jan. 5, 1864. He is now in his 93rd year.

December 13, 1924

At a meeting of the Valparaiso City Council last night, pay for members of the fire department was increased $15 per month. This gives the firefighters the same wage scale as the police, which is $125 per month.

Valparaiso High School won their first game of the season last evening by defeating Hammond, at Hammond, 33 to 17. Captain Harold “Mike” Shurr led the locals with seven baskets and seven free throws, for a total of 21 points. Fred White played a stellar game at guard. Valpo led at halftime, 14 to 6. The Valpo second squad defeated Boone Grove, 12 to 11, at Boone Grove.

December 14, 1924

An audience that well filled the Methodist church in Valparaiso last night heard Rev. Edward K. Strecker, pastor of the church, launch a drive for an aroused public sentiment that would give Valparaiso place as an outstanding home-city and educational center where men might bring their families to rear them in an atmosphere of safety and clean public morals. Rev. Strecker charged that elements small in number were bringing discredit upon a certain lodge organization; that a police call made by him early last Thursday morning in regard to a neighborhood disturbance was not answered during a period of ten minutes; that the press of the city had played up the case involving a university student, but failed to publish accounts dealing with other law violations worse in character and that a considerable traffic in illicit liquor was being carried on.

The case of Mrs. Anna Tulke, of Chicago, arrested with members of the gang that held up the Halfway House near Cedar Lake, resulting in the killing of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, will be venued from Lake County to Porter County for trial, it was announced today. Mrs. Tulke will be brought to the Porter County Jail here next week to await trial.

December 15, 1924

Members of Valparaiso High School’s basketball team, headed by Coach R. E. Schenck, were guests of the Valparaiso Kiwanis Club last evening at a banquet given by the Northern Indiana Athletic Officers’ Association, held Monday evening at the Gary Y. M. C. A. Coach Nels Norgren, of the University of Chicago, was the chief speaker.

Mark R. McNay, former Valparaiso man, has been elected to the office of Worthy Patron of the Rising Light Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, of Huntington Park, a suburb of Los Angeles Calif., according to word received here. The Huntington Park Chapter has 500 members. The lodge is building a new building costing $150,000.

December 16, 1924

The December settlement made by Porter County Treasurer William McGinley, with Auditor B. H. Kinne, shows that a total of $628,426.41 was collected during the fall installment of paying taxes. The collection is the largest for a December settlement in the history of the county and the largest of any except the spring settlement when $700,323.06 was collected and distributed to the various taxing units.

December 17, 1924

A tentative zoning ordinance for the City of Valparaiso was drawn up by the city zoning commission, headed by chairman E. S. Miller, upon suggestions outlined by city engineer Floyd R. McNiece and consulting engineer, Lawrence V. Sheridan, of Indianapolis. The ordinance will be presented at the next meeting of the city council. Members of the city zoning commission are E. S. Miller, Earl Mavity, F. W. Alpen, E. J. Freund, J. M. Oldham, F. R. McNiece, and Prof. Fisher, of Valparaiso University.

December 18, 1924

Floyd D. Burchard, Rensselaer merchant, owner of The Variety Store, has announced that he intends to move to Valparaiso in the spring and to discontinue his Rensselaer business connection. Mr. Burchard will close out his stock of goods at North Judson and center his business activity in this city. He is currently city treasurer at Rensselaer.

Justice T. B. Louderback, Valparaiso’s marrying squire, with a record of 48 years of tying marital knots, today announced he would perform all marriage ceremonies free of charge from now until Jan. 1. Judge Louderback has placed no time limit on his services. He is subject to call at all hours to perform the marriage ceremony.

December 19, 1924

Judge Harry L. Crumpacker in Porter Superior Court today, in the injunction case of the Gary Street Railway Company versus the City of Hammond, ruled that Indiana cities have the authority to grant a franchise to bus operators and also the power to control motor bus operation. The case was brought by the railway company to enjoin the City of Hammond from enforcing a certain ordinance which prohibited the railway from carrying on a bus service in the business section of that city.

Olaf Peterson, residing on the farm of P. W. Clifford, west of Valparaiso, narrowly escaped death Wednesday afternoon when he became tangled up in a buzz saw operated by a tractor. But for the fact that his clothing stopped the progress of the saw, he would probably have been killed. The left arm was cut so badly that amputation was necessary. He also suffered severe cuts on the side, and body bruises.

December 20, 1924

Weather conditions this week caused considerable damage to poles and lines of the Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company in Porter County, according to an announcement made today by Harry R. Ball, general manager. Ten months ago, a similar storm inflicted heavy damage. The estimated damage of the two storms is placed at $100,000. This week, some 200 poles of the company were broken down by the heavy sleet. Last February, the damage was more than three times as great.

Valparaiso High School lost to Culver High School last night at the Valparaiso University Gym when the Culver quint scored a last-minute victory with two charity tosses. The score was 28 to 27. Fred White shoved the locals into a 27 to 26 lead of play. Charles Banks, Culver forward, was fouled just before the gun barked, and he tossed in both free throws to clinch the game. Banks accounted for 18 points.

December 21, 1924

Attorney Grant Crumpacker, president of the Porter County Bar Association, will go to South Bend Tuesday to attend a meeting of committees from Northern Indiana Bar Associations for the discussion of the Hickey Bill, providing for a second federal judge for the state. Under the bill as amended by the senate committee, the state will remain a single district, but two judges will alternate throughout the state. Seven divisions will be created, with cases being tried in the division in which they originate. The Porter County Bar Association has gone on record favoring the original Hickey Bill, creating two definite districts.

Valparaiso High was defeated at Gary Saturday night when Froebel High defeated the locals, 40 to 20. The Schenckmen were outplayed from the start and were unable to cope with the strong Froebel attack. The Valpo Reserves dropped a thriller to the Froebel Reserves when a Froebel player swished in a long one from the center of the floor to break a 23-to-23 deadlock.

December 22, 1924

With total receipts of $7,581.20, the special sale of Ayrshire cattle and fancy hogs held at the Montdale Stock Farm, east of Valparaiso, Monday afternoon, was a striking success. J. B. Metz, of Plano, Ill., paid $2,160 for a string of thirteen cows and heifers, while $2,075 was paid by Adam Seitz, of Waukesha, Wis., for seven cows and heifers. W. F. Shuttleworth, of Ypsilanti, Mich., purchased stock to the value of $1,420.

December 23, 1924

Valparaiso High School’s new movie machine, purchased as an educational venture, will not be put to a commercial use. Exhibitions will be given at the school each week to raise funds to pay the balance of the amount owed on the machine.

December 24, 1924

Figures made available today by Porter County Auditor B. H. Kinne show that the jury cost during the September term was the heaviest in Porter County court history. A total of 170 veniremen were called for jury duty during the term, whereas the normal number does not exceed fifty. The total outlay for the September panel was $1,360.60, not counting the cost of meals, bailiffs, and other charges which will aggregate $400 more. The increase in jury cost was due to two murder trials venued here from Lake County.

J. A. Wise, president of the Valparaiso Building and Loan Association, and chief of the fire department, has received a citation of commendation from President Calvin Coolidge for going to the polls last November in the face of an illness which forced his retirement from active participation in the field of private and public affairs for years. Mr. Wise’s act was called to the attention of the president by Dr. C. M. Cahill, of Chicago, a friend of Mr. Wise for years.

December 25, 1924

A radio wedding was held in Valparaiso Christmas evening when Miss Mable Josephine Anderson, Westville school teacher, became the bride of J. E. Seals, of Chicago. The ceremony was performed at the Immanuel Lutheran Church by Rev. George F. Schutes. The ceremony was broadcast over Station WTBC in the church. An eighty-year-old father in Minnesota, and other relatives of the couple in Georgia, tuned in on the broadcast. Edith Weems, of Valparaiso, was matron of ceremonies, while Miss Morse, of Westville, attended the bride and Dr. George Grundy, of Chicago, was best man.

December 26, 1924

Leonard B., Lucy E., and Eliza E. Mander, of Jackson Township, have filed a remonstrance to the construction of the proposed Koselke Ditch in Jackson Township. They claim damages of $10,000 will result to their property and rights should the drain go through. They further charge legal errors in the preliminary steps to bring the matter up for decision and claim also that their property is being unjustly assessed.

December 27, 1924

The Valparaiso City Council at its meeting last night approved the annual report of Chief J. A. Wise, of the fire department, and approved the list of volunteer members recommended by the chief for appointment. They are W. B. Forney, Fred Wittenberg, Wilbur Cowdrey, Carl Dahlke, John Deardorff, Ray Dean, John Fabing, William Johnston, Freeman Lane, John Marks, William Peters, and Gordon Wheeler.

Porter County Surveyor-elect William E. Morthland today announced the appointment of John R. Fabing as his deputy surveyor. This is the second time he has served in this capacity, having been the deputy for Floyd R. McNiece, present surveyor, for three years. Since last July, Mr. Fabing has been connected with the inspection department of the Indiana State Highway Commission. He will assume his new duties on Jan. 1.

December 28, 1924

J. A. Wise, age 58, president of the Valparaiso Building and Loan Association, and chief of the Valparaiso Fire Department, died Sunday afternoon at his home here after an extended illness. Mr. Wise was for many years engaged in the job printing business on College Hill, the firm being known as Wade & Wise. Wise recently sold his interests to the Lewis E. Myers & Company because of ill health.

The Mary Jordan home on East Erie Street in Valparaiso was threatened with destruction Saturday night when a Christmas tree caught fire from lighted candles. Mrs. Jordan, at great risk to herself, grabbed the tree and carried it out of doors. A library table in the home was damaged.

December 29, 1924

Valparaiso Water Department employees were engaged today in flooding the field on the new high school site, the old Ball property at Park and Campbell Streets. This will provide an ideal skating pond for all lovers of the sport.

December 30, 1924

J. A. Houghton on Monday filed his bond to assume the duties of Justice of the Peace, succeeding T. P. Louderback on Jan. 1. Mr. Houghton was formerly deputy constable. He has purchased the office business of Mr. Louderback, who is retiring after over fifty years.

December 31, 1924

Valparaiso was shocked today to hear of the death Tuesday evening in Chicago of Dr. Carl M. Cahill, former Valparaiso University student and practicing dentist on College Hill. Death was due to heart trouble. Dr. Cahill was in this city on Sunday calling at the home of J. A. Wise, his close friend, who was buried this afternoon. Dr. Cahill was a nephew of the late Prof. M. E. Bogarte, of this city. The body will be brought here for burial.

William Pennington, who retires as sheriff of Porter County tomorrow after having served two terms, will become deputy sheriff. He will serve under William B. Forney, who served as deputy under Sheriff Pennington since the latter has been in office. This is the third time Forney has been elected, having served two terms before the election of Pennington.

Looking Back • November 1924

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

November 1, 1924

Frank Cochrane, who was shot in the foot during the holdup of the Halfway House near Cedar Lake and was an eyewitness to the slaying of Attorney Thad S. Fancher, of Crown Point, was the state’s star witness against Johnny O’Reilly, of Chicago, on trial for his murder in Porter Circuit Court yesterday. Cochrane identified O’Reilly as one of the holdup men, and said that Alexander McCabe, one of the gangsters, shot Fancher after he had unsuccessfully tried to take Fancher’s diamond ring away from him.

L. T. Ross, who with his father, R. D. Ross, were the pioneer automobile agents in Porter County, have again embarked in the auto business in Valparaiso. He has taken over the Star-Durant Agency at the corner of Lincolnway and Lafayette Street.

November 2, 1924

The lumber yard of the Elkhart Lumber Company at Kouts was destroyed by fire this morning. The mill, 60x150 feet, is located just east of Kouts, near the railroad tower. About 400,000 feet of lumber was destroyed. A pumper from the Valparaiso Fire Department responded and did effective work. Louis Ely, of Valparaiso, is manager of the Kouts plant.

The Porter County Fair Society made its report on finances of the September fair at a meeting held Saturday at the county agent’s office. The report, rendered by Leonard Maxwell, showed receipts of $10,183.00 and expenditures of $9,782.16, leaving a balance of $400.84.

November 3, 1924

A forest fire, which spread on both sides of the Dunes Highway in north Porter County, and threatened destruction to many country homes, raged all Saturday night. Considerable timberland was burned over. Groups of farmers fought the flames. Long furrows were plowed and dug to prevent spread of the fire to the farm homes. Warm weather and a late fall have dried the leaves and shrubbery, making the underbrush tinder for sparks from passing trains. Motorists who fail to stamp out their campfires have also been responsible for several fires.

November 4, 1924

The case of Harry Diamond, convicted wife slayer, now rests with the Indiana State Pardon Board. This was made known when Governor Emmett F. Branch turned over to the board the petition of Diamond’s attorneys for a commutation of sentence. The application to Governor Branch for executive clemency was made in a last desperate attempt to bring about a commutation of the Porter Circuit Court’s sentence of death in the electric chair. Attorneys for Diamond contend that he is insane at the present time.

November 5, 1924

Porter County Republicans scored a smashing victory in yesterday’s election. Coolidge, for President, had majority of 2,700 over John W. Davis and Robert LaFollette. Majorities of county candidates were: W. B. Forney, sheriff 1,313; A. J. Fehrman, treasurer, 610; W. W. Bozarth, prosecutor, 1533; Walter Atwell, county commissioner, 2,782; E. D. Cain, county commissioner, 2,164. The county hospital proposition was defeated by 187 votes, the vote being, 3,962 against, and 3,775 for.

Ed Jackson, Republican, was elected governor of Indiana over Carlton B. McCulloch, Democrat, by a majority, which is expected to reach 100,000. With two-thirds of the precincts heard from, Jackson is leading his opponent by 75,000.

November 6, 1924

Charlotte Crumpacker is in receipt of a telegram from her son, Maurice E. Crumpacker, in which he tells of his election to Congress from the Third Oregon (Portland) District. He was successful by a large majority. His father, the late E. D. Crumpacker, served in Congress from the Tenth Indiana District, for a period of eighteen years.

The state has rested its case in the trial of Johnny O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, in Porter Circuit Court this morning. The defense followed the state action by placing a number of witnesses on the stand to testify as to the character and standing of the defendant. O’Reilly is charged with the slaying of Attorney Thad Fancher in the Halfway House holdup near Crown Point last May.

November 7, 1924

The O’Reilly murder case went over yesterday afternoon until Monday morning when the hearing will be resumed by Judge H. L. Crumpacker. The recess was made necessary by the absence of Special Prosecutor W. J. McAleer, of Hammond, who had to appear before the Indiana State Pardon Board at Indianapolis today in the pardon hearing of Harry Diamond, which came up today before the board.

Complete returns from the state show that Calvin Coolidge led John W. Davis for President by a majority of 210,267 votes. The vote was: Coolidge, 701,946; Davis, 491,679; LaFollette, 68,085. Ed Jackson, Republican, elected governor, over Carlton McCullough, Democrat, ran behind Coolidge by nearly 50,000. The vote was Jackson, 655,505; McCulloch, 571,477.

November 8, 1924

The Porter County Commissioners yesterday afternoon decided to construct the asphalt-top road across the Forest Park Addition, coming out at the brick house on top of the hill at the old Chicago Road. The road will be built under the county unit law, the city having filed consent for its construction through the part that was recently taken into the city limits. Bids will be received for the work on December 2.

The Albe and Pool Recreation Hall at 55 S. Franklin Street in Valparaiso, known as the Stag Billiard Hall, has been sold to W. R. Boesel, of LeRoy, Ind., who has taken possession of the place. Messrs. Albe and Pool will continue in the wholesale candy and tobacco business.

November 9, 1924

Rev. E. R. and Lena Edwards, of Valparaiso, miraculously escaped death Saturday evening when their car plunged into the ditch near the Jasper Finney Farm, east of the city, while they were enroute from Logansport. The car leaped a ditch 8 feet wide and finally stopped against a tree. Bright lights of another car were held responsible for the crash. Lena Edwards suffered severe scalp wounds. Rev. Edwards assumed the pastorate of the local Christian church on Nov. 2.

John O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, on trial in Porter Circuit Court for the slaying of Attorney Thad S. Fancher, of Crown Point, took the witness stand today and told his story. He said he went into the Halfway House, became involved in an argument with another man and was knocked over the head and rendered unconscious. He finally found his way out of the place and was going to get in his car when someone hit him over the head and dragged him into another car.

November 10, 1924

Peter W. Meyn, of Hammond, through his attorneys, the Crumpacker Brothers, today filed suit in Porter Circuit Court for an appeal from the survey established by Porter County Surveyor Floyd R. McNeice at Waverly Beach. He owns about 400 acres of land, bought from the Morgan Estate, on which is located Waverly Beach. The complaint alleges the survey brought the property back 250 feet from the Lake Michigan water line, when the plats of the property go completely to the waterfront. This survey would deprive the owner of riparian rights.

The Chicago & Erie railroad has bought a strip of land at Elliott, on the Lincolnway Highway, west of Valparaiso, and is building a brick and cinder detour for the Lincolnway Highway across the right-of-way, preparatory to beginning the construction of the subway under the tracks. Work was commenced today by the Indiana State Highway Commission on constructing the grade for the new road leading to the new bridge on the Lincoln Highway at the Malone Turn.

November 11, 1924

Fire which started in a small coal shed used by the Methodist church at 202 Indiana Avenue caused a $150,000 blaze in Chesterton early this morning. Fire departments from Valparaiso and other surrounding places assisted the Chesterton firefighters. Buildings damaged were the Chesterton High School, 212 Indiana Avenue; Bird and Groff Furniture Store, 203 Broadway; Jay Betts’ garage, 205 Broadway; and the Johnson barn. The damage to the school building will amount to $100,000.

November 12, 1924

John O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, was found guilty and given a life sentence by a jury in Porter Circuit Court last night for the slaying of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, in the Halfway House holdup near Cedar Lake last May. The jury took 22 ballots before arriving at its decision. The case of Alexander McCabe, also charged with the Fancher killing, will be tried at the next term of court which begins next week.

November 13, 1924

The Chesterton Road, from Valparaiso north to Chesterton, and the Dunes Highway has been included in the state highway system, according to word received from Indianapolis. Chambers of Commerce in Valparaiso and Chesterton, and other civic bodies, have been active in interesting the highway body in taking over the road.

Indiana Governor Emmett Branch yesterday turned down the petition filed by attorneys of Harry Diamond, of Gary, scheduled to die in the electric chair at Michigan City prison Friday morning, for a commutation of sentence to life imprisonment. Diamond was convicted in Porter Circuit Court of the slaying of his wife, Nettie, on Feb. 14, 1922, during an auto ride between Gary and East Chicago.

November 14, 1924

Harry Diamond, of Gary, went to his death in the electric chair at Michigan City this morning for the slaying of his wife. Few men ever faced death more complacently than Diamond. When guards went to his room, they found him asleep. He quickly dressed himself and trudged his way to the death chamber. He did not make any statement. No one was allowed to witness the electrocution. A Porter County jury convicted Diamond. He had slain his wife in cold contemplation of “getting rid of her.” He was 21 and she was twice his age. She was reputed to possess $100,000.

Judge H. H. Loring in Porter Circuit Court dissolved the temporary restraining order issue against the Town of Hebron to prevent it from proceeding with the construction of a sewer drain through the town. The town will now resume work on the project.

November 15, 1924

Promise that he would do all in his power to establish a state park in the dunes of north Porter County was made today by Col. Richard Lieber of Indianapolis, Director of the Department of Conservation, following a tour of the dune country yesterday afternoon. Col. Lieber pointed out that one of the drawbacks to the purchase of the land required for park purposes was that the legislative act providing for raising of funds extended the time for collection over a period of five years. He said that a move was on foot to collect a sizeable sum from private donors to assist in buying the land needed.

The Valparaiso City Council will not purchase a new police car at the present time. The regular car recently figured in a crash and is of little use. Several members were against buying a new car because the city finances would not justify it. City Attorney E. Guy Osborne agreed to loan the city his car. Alderman Louis Gast opposed the move saying the city did not need a police car. The council, however, agreed to accept Mr. Osborne’s offer.

November 16, 1924

Nora Kovan, of Porter, died by suicide Saturday evening about 7:30 o’clock when she shot herself through the heart. Fear that the Ku Klux Klan was going to “get her” was given as the reason for the rash act. Just before killing herself, she had put her five children to bed. Coroner H. O. Seipel conducted an inquest.

*Nora and her husband John don’t appear in Polk’s Valparaiso City Directory for 1924, which includes all Porter County locations. The 1920 census places the Kovans in East Chicago.

Central Michigan Normal defeated Valparaiso University in a football game played at Gleason Park, Gary, Saturday before a crowd of 2,000 persons. Michigan Normal scored both touchdowns on forward passes. Valparaiso advanced the ball three times to the Michigan goal line and lost it on downs. Valparaiso players were suffering from injuries and severe colds received in the LaCrosse State Normal game on Armistice Day.

November 17, 1924

H. I. Barnett, of Washington Township, was elected president of the Porter County Fair Board at a meeting held last night. Other officers named were: Thomas Turner, Boone Township, vice-president; John R. Burch, Center Township, secretary; Bryce Lantz, Porter Township, treasurer; J. W. Whitaker, Center Township, general superintendent.

November 18, 1924

The trial of Alexander McCabe, of Chicago charged with the murder of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, at the Halfway Roadhouse between Crown Point and Cedar Lake, will commence in the Porter Superior Court Wednesday. McCabe has been in the Porter County Jail in Valparaiso pending the transference of his case from Lake County.

November 19, 1924

Manager Wallace Sutter, of the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, is back from Indianapolis where he was informed by the State Highway Commission officials that Porter County is to get another main state road. The road will run through Porter County at the LaPorte County line near Westville and shoot across the county in a straight line to connect with the Ridge Road in Gary. A large amount of new right-of-way will have to be obtained. Manager Sutter was also informed that the Chesterton Road and the road maintained to the Dunes Highway would be taken over on Jan. 1. Paving of Yellowstone Trail from Plymouth to Valparaiso will not be undertaken until 1926, it was announced by the commission.

The R. L. Polk 1924 Directory for Valparaiso and Porter County is now being delivered. The book is a handsome one, similar to the Bumstead Directory, which was distributed here for many years by F. K. Bumstead & Company, of Chicago.

November 20, 1924

Edward Brobeck, age 68 years, was found dead in the hallway of the Court Hotel at 4½ Indiana Avenue in Valparaiso last evening about 8 o’clock. Coroner H. O. Seipel who held an inquest rendered a verdict that death was due to heart failure. He was a signal maintainer on the Grand Trunk Railroad.

Three youths, ranging in ages from 17 to 23 years, were arrested yesterday in the Dunes Park region by Sheriff William Pennington and Deputy Sheriff W. B. Forney, charged with robbery of a number of summer cottages in the dunes. The youths, apparently on a trapping expedition, entered the homes and took a large amount of loot, aggregating a value of about $1,000.

November 21, 1924

Three youths, ranging in ages from 17 to 23 years, arrested in the Dunes region of north Porter County yesterday for looting summer cottages were given prison terms this afternoon by Judge H. H. Loring in Porter Circuit Court. John Harncair and Martin Ribinkar were sentenced to 1 to 8 years in the state reformatory and Raymond Canter was given six months in the state penal farm.

Peter Fernekes and Clayton Nichols left this afternoon for Florida, where they will remain until April. Fernekes has a fishing camp and has charge of the pier and boats at Gulfport. He says it is the usual thing for between 800 to 1,000 people to go fishing every Tuesday and Friday, the big fish days.

November 22, 1924

Evan Taylor and Glenn Newsom, of Wheeler, while hunting geese the other night, shot into a flock of what they believed to be geese. They wounded several of the birds which set up an unearthly yell causing the remainder of the flock to attack the boys. They beat away the attackers and captured one. It proved to be a barn owl, white in color and beautifully marked in brown.

Arthur J. Bowser, for years editor and owner of The Chesterton Tribune, and now actively engaged in the editorial department of the paper, has decided to make Valparaiso his home. He has closed the deal for the purchase of the C. F. Pearce property, corner of Greenwich and Jefferson Streets, and will move here as soon as the house can be placed in condition. Mr. Bowser will continue his work in Chesterton.

November 23, 1924

Lombard College defeated Valparaiso University Saturday at Galesburg, Ill., by a score of 14 to 7. Two long runs by Lamb placed the ball in scoring position for Lombard. Valparaiso scored its touchdown in the fourth quarter with a pass from halfback Harold “Beanie” Harris to halfback Ralph “Swede” Surface. Another Harris-to-Surface short pass failed when the ball sailed over Surface’s head to back of the goal. White, Valpo fullback, was injured in the first period and had to leave the game. Harris took his place.

Tom Morony, of Valparaiso, suffered a double skull fracture early Saturday when his automobile rammed into the rear of a truck near Elgin, Ill., which carried no lights. Morony was rushed to a hospital in Oak Park, Ill. He was enroute from Madison, Wisc., to Chicago to attend a football game. He is a senior at the University of Wisconsin.

November 24, 1924

B. C. Stockman, Valparaiso attorney and member of the Valparaiso Abstract Company, died suddenly at his home on East Monroe Street last night. He came to Valparaiso in 1902 and has lived here ever since. In 1911, with Attorney Mark B. Rockwell, with whom he was engaged in the law practice, he organized the Valparaiso Abstract Company. He was prominent in Masonic Lodge affairs.

November 25, 1924

Tom Morony, of Valparaiso, who suffered a fractured skull in an automobile accident near Elgin, Ill., on Saturday is reported to be much improved in the Oak Park, Ill., hospital, where he was taken after the accident. He is still in a semi-conscious condition.

November 26, 1924

The Valparaiso Hotel Company took over management of the Hotel Lembke according to an announcement made today. L. M. Pierce is president of the new company; Ralph Marimon, vice-president; J. E. Dreschoff, secretary-treasurer. L. M. Pierce, Ralph Marimon, Louis G. Horn, Harry R. Ball, Anna Dreschoff and J. E. Dreschoff, directors.

The jury to try Alexander McCabe, Chicago gangster, for the slaying of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, in the Halfway House holdup near Cedar Lake last May, was selected in Porter Circuit Court today. Those on the jury are: William Henry, George Martin, Herman Baker, John DeWitt, Sam Wheeler, William St. Clair, William Weidman, Clarence Fisher, James Rigg, Reuben Freer, Vernon Shurr, and George Quinn.

November 27, 1924

William and Mary Turner, of Leroy, were instantly killed Thanksgiving Day when their automobile was struck by a Pan Handle passenger train at the Henderson Crossing between Hebron and Crown Point. The Turners were enroute home from Hebron where they had spent Thanksgiving. Surviving are four sons and one daughter.

Valparaiso University defeated Dubuque University before 3,000 shivering fans on Brown Field Thanksgiving Day by a score of 10 to 0. Valpo scored its first points when George “Pumpkins” Close kicked a pretty field goal from the 35-yard line. The one touchdown of the game was scored when James “Jimmie” Doran blocked a Dubuque punt and Valpo recovered. A series of plays carried the ball to the Dubuque 8-yard line, where Harold “Beanie” Harris shot a pass to Ralph “Swede” Surface for the touchdown. Close kicked the goal.

November 28, 1924

George Sheeks was elected a member of the school board at a meeting of the Valparaiso City Council last evening. He takes the place of G. Leonard Maxwell, who was elected some time ago, but resigned because of other business.

Valparaiso may have a new sewer system if members of the city council go through with their plans discussed at a meeting of the body last night. It was consensus of opinion among the council that the city expends enough money trying to keep the present system in operation in twenty-five years to build a new sewer. A survey of the present system and the future needs of the city will probably be made.

November 29, 1924

Lynn M. Whipple, of Niles, Mich., has purchased a half interest in The Evening Messenger of H. F. Strother, and will come to Valparaiso and assume the editorship of the paper. Whipple has been editor of the Niles Daily Star, and was also employed by Benton Harbor, Mich., newspapers.

November 30, 1924

The formal opening of the new Valparaiso National Bank building Saturday was attended by a large crowd of patrons of the bank and others. The officers and employees of the bank extended a cordial welcome to all who called. The interior of the bank was beautifully decorated with flowers from various banking institutions and local firms. Music was furnished by an orchestra, and in the evening, a radio arranged by M. E. Packman and an electric piano by the Fidler Piano House added to the entertainment of the changing crowds.

Looking Back • October 1924

Read about the cornerstone ceremony for Valparaiso’s “new” Elk’s Temple under the October 2 entry.

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

October 1, 1924

The advent of October in Valparaiso was marked with a heavy frost throughout the city and Porter County. The temperature took a big drop during the night and this morning the thermometer stood at 35 degrees.

The lease controversy between the Valparaiso Masonic Lodge and H. H. Loring, owner of the Academy of Music building, the third floor of which is occupied by the lodge, was settled by agreement in Porter Circuit Court today. By the terms of the settlement, the lodge will pay $2,500 from May 1, 1922, to Nov. 1, 1924, when Mr. Loring will get possession of the building.

October 2, 1924

Impressive ceremonies marked the laying of the cornerstone of the new $200,000 temple of the Valparaiso Lodge of Elks this afternoon. The city was decorated in holiday attire for the event. A parade of Elks of the local lodge and visiting lodges was held prior to the ceremony. Exalted Ruler Paul E. Marks presided at the cornerstone laying. Alderman Ross A. Woodhull, of Chicago, a former Valparaiso man, made the address. This evening at Altruria Hall a banquet will be served with talks given by Mayor E. W. Agar, Rev. E. J. Mungovan, Judge H. H. Loring, and Frank M. Hogan, of Fort Wayne. P. L. Sisson will act as toastmaster and music will be furnished by the Apollo Male Quartet and Mrs. J. M. Sheldon. A dancing party at the Valparaiso University gymnasium will follow the Altruria program.

Governor Edward Morrow, of Kentucky, gave a talk at Memorial Opera House last night for the Republican ticket. Attorney Grant Crumpacker presided. Governor Morrow scored the LaFollette movement, bringing out that such movements were dangerous to the foundation upon which the government by the people functions.

October 3, 1924

Anna Tulke, of Chicago, member of the Chicago hoodlum gang which shot up the Halfway House between Crown Point and Cedar Lake in May, killing Attorney Thad S. Fancher, was charged with first degree murder in an indictment returned today by the Lake County Grand Jury. Alex McCabe and John O’Reilly, also indicted by the Lake County Grand Jury, will be tried in Porter County, their cases having been venued here.

The home of Mr. Wills, north of Valparaiso, was destroyed by fire at 6:30 o’clock this morning, together with all its contents. The property is owned by Glen Collins, of Valparaiso. Mr. Wills was not at home at the time and members of the family had gone to the orchard. When discovered, it was a mass of flames. Last winter, the Wills’ home near Wolf’s Corners was destroyed by fire, the family narrowly escaping through a window.

October 4, 1924

Judge W. C. Pentecost, of Knox, judge of the Starke County Circuit Court, who was chosen special judge in the case of Mrs. Drusilla Carr against the Phiblin estate heirs to decide title to the 100 acres of valuable land on the Lake Michigan beach near Miller, has accepted appointment. The land in question has been in litigation for 17 years. Trial will start next Monday in LaPorte Circuit Court at LaPorte.

Dr. O. W. McMichael, nationally known tuberculosis specialist, and at one time a practicing physician at Wheeler, Porter County, is dead in Chicago following an automobile accident. Funeral services were held in Chicago today.

October 5, 1924

Neither of Valparaiso’s football teams came home Sunday with the bacon. The university played Center College at Danville, Ky., and the game ended in a 0 to 0 tie. The high school dropped a 27 to 0 decision at Morocco, Ind.

The Indiana Public Service Commission today issued an order permitting the Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company to issue and sell preferred stock amounting to $55,000. The company had asked permission to sell $100,000 in stock, but this was cut down to $55,000.

October 6, 1924

Miss Hazel Bielby, a former history teacher in the Valparaiso High School, died Monday in a Cincinnati, Ohio, hospital of a tumor on the brain. She taught in the local school for two years but was forced to resign her job because of illness. Students of the Valparaiso High School some time ago bought a radio and presented it to her. She will be buried in Ripley County at Sunman, Ind., her former home.

October 7, 1924

A total registration for the November election in Porter County in 1924 is 10,329, the largest registration in the history of the county. Of this number, 5,788 are men and 4,541 are women. In 1922, the total registration was 8,230, or 2,099 less than the 1924 registration.

October 8, 1924

The Masonic Lodge has signed a lease for the rental of the entire floor over the Maxwell Implement Company and the Specht Flower Shop and will remodel the place for occupancy on November 1. It will be necessary to construct a stairway between the Maxwell Company and the Specht Flower Shop. At present, all the space is occupied by the McGill Company as a storeroom. For many years, the Masonic lodge has had quarters in the Loring building over the Farmers’ State Bank in the Academy of Music Block.

October 9, 1924

The Lincoln Highway, east of Valparaiso, to LaPorte, after having been closed practically all year, will be thrown open to traffic next week. The black top from LaPorte to Westville will be completed this week, and the work between Westville and Valparaiso will be finished Monday. Officers of the Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce have been invited by Highway Superintendent George T. Pearce to go over the new road in the initial trip. Mr. Pearce has been in charge of the construction work.

A petition was filed at Indianapolis with Governor Emmett O. Branch yesterday by the Progressive Independent party. The petition carried only the name of Rudolph Duffy Raymond, of Valparaiso, for governor. State officials expressed themselves as doubtful whether the filling of such a petition is legal. It will be referred to the state election board for decision. The petition bore the signatures of Michigan City, Muncie, Hammond, East Chicago, Valparaiso, and other Indiana voters. The petition makes the tenth filed by political parties in Indiana.

October 10, 1924

The Maxwell Implement Company, of Valparaiso, yesterday filed a voluntary petition of bankruptcy in the federal court at Hammond. The company lists assets of $112,995.19, and liabilities of $145,498.21, consisting mostly of real estate, stock in trade, bills, notes and securities.

Mittie Stoner was elected treasurer of the Indiana Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) at the twenty-fourth annual state conference being held at Marion. Mrs. Stoner’s name was placed in nomination by Marie Chester.

October 11, 1924

Valparaiso property owners affected by the improvement of the alley running from Napoleon Street to Campbell Street, between Lincolnway and Jefferson Street, filed a remonstrance with the Valparaiso City Council Friday night. Attorney William Daly, who represented the remonstrators, said they were objecting to a brick paving, but would consent to concrete or macadam.

A number of Valparaiso bricklayers went to Whiting last evening and were initiated into the Masons’ Union. They were Claus Jungjohan, Thomas Lemster, Charles Lemster, Elmer Lemster, Will Lembke, Leslie Lembke, Detlef Blocker, and John Rehder.

October 12, 1924

Work was begun today tearing out the old front of the Brown building on Lincolnway, next to the Valparaiso Lodge of Elks building, preparatory to installing a new front. The front will match the style and design of the new Elks’ temple. The lower floor will be occupied by the Stinchfield and Fehrman undertaking establishment.

Valparaiso University defeated Albion College of Albion, Mich., here Saturday afternoon at Brown Field in a football game that was a nip and tuck struggle. Albion outweighed in both line and back field, held the locals even for three-quarters, and had the advantage by having the ball deep in Valpo territory. However, in the final quarter the locals, with “Buckshot” White, fullback, doing the ball carrying, swept over the final score, 14 to 3, in favor of Valparaiso.

October 13, 1924

The Valparaiso Lodge of Masons, who leased the second floor of the Sievers building, occupied by the Maxwell Implement Company on Lincolnway, has decided to exercise an option in the lease to buy the building.

A stay of execution for Harry Diamond, Gary man, convicted in Porter Circuit Court of the slaying of his wife, was asked in a petition filed with the Supreme Court yesterday. Diamond is under sentence to die on Nov. 14. The verdict of the Porter Court Jury in returning a death sentence for Diamond was upheld by the Supreme Court, but a re-hearing is pending.

October 14, 1924

Harry Diamond, of Gary, wife killer convicted by a jury in Porter Circuit Court and sentenced to die in the electric chair, lost his chance for another trial when the Supreme Court denied his petition for rehearing. The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of the local court on appeal, but Diamond’s attorneys petitioned for a rehearing. He is scheduled to die on Nov. 14, in Michigan City prison.

October 15, 1924

Judge H. H. Loring in Porter Circuit Court today ordered a new panel drawn for the John O'Reilly murder case. Defense attorneys objected to the panel because there were no women drawn on it. The old jury panel was discharged.

October 16, 1924

Eleven women were drawn in the special venire for jury service in the trial of John O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, charged with the slaying of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, when the jury commissioners of the Porter Circuit Court drew a new panel at the insistence of Judge H. H. Loring, who ordered the old venire thrown out upon protest of O’Reilly’s attorneys on the ground no women had been drawn. It was the first time in the history of Porter County that women were called for jury service. Previous to the drawing, the names in the jury box were emptied and a new batch of names substituted.

The political address of United States Senator James E. Watson on Oct. 18 in Valparaiso will be broadcast from a platform on the north side of the courthouse square. The Zenith Radio Corporation, with the aid of a portable station, will send out the speech.

October 17, 1924

Attorneys for John O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, charged with slaying Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, filed a motion this morning for a change of judge, and Judge H. H. Loring granted the motion. Judge Harry L. Crumpacker, of the Porter Superior Court, was selected as special judge.

The Indiana Board of Election Commissioners have denied the petition of R. D. Raymond, of Valparaiso, to have his name placed on the LaFollette Progressive Ticket as that party’s candidate for governor. Raymond had previously filed on another ticket. Attorneys for Raymond announced they would take legal action to force the board to place Raymond’s name on the ticket.

October 18, 1924

The capture of Earl Hurst and Sidney Purcell, confessed train robbers, now in custody of federal officers, is expected to solve a number of train robberies in Lake and Porter Counties. It is said the two men have confessed and named higher-ups who acted as tip offs for the men.

Word has been received here of the death at Grand Island, Neb., of John Hameloth, age 73 years, a former resident of Valparaiso. Mr. Hameloth was a brick mason, and while enroute to Chesterton to work on the Chesterton School Building, his wife and four children were burned to death in the family home, near Claussen’s Corners, south of Valparaiso. Mr. Hameloth later attempted suicide, but only shot his eye out. Afterward, a friend apprised him that a boyhood sweetheart of Mr. Hameloth lived at Grand Island. He went there and soon they were married. Word of his death was received by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Specht.

October 19, 1924

United States Senator James E. Watson delivered a speech in Valparaiso Saturday afternoon from the north side of the courthouse square. Senator Watson was introduced by Mayor E. W. Agar. He pleaded for a strong productive tariff and bitterly condemned the LaFollette movement, especially the stand taken by LaFollette against the Supreme Court. The speech was broadcast over Zenith Radio Station WJAZ.

Another effort to save Harry Diamond, Gary wife slayer, from the electric chair on November 14, has been made by his attorneys, Conroey and McMahon, of Hammond. They have filed with the Supreme Court a petition setting forth that since his conviction in the Porter Circuit Court, Diamond has become insane. The petition asks the Supreme Court to order the Porter Circuit Court to hear evidence on the question of sanity and rule upon it.

October 20, 1924

A third dredge has been placed in operation on the Burns Ditch by the Walb Construction Company in an effort to construct the ditch as soon as possible. It is learned that the State Highway Commission has complete plans for the new bridge over the Dunes Highway but are awaiting the outcome of a suit in the Supreme Court to determine whether the bridge will be constructed by the State Highway Commission or the county.

John Skibbe, age 40 years, structural ironworker, of Chesterton, was killed at Buffington, Ind., yesterday. He fell 50 feet from a scaffold when he lost his balance. His skull was fractured. Surviving are a widow and three children.

October 21, 1924

Work is progressing rapidly on the new Valparaiso National Bank building on South Washington Street, and C. W. Benton, president of the bank, stated today the building will be ready for moving into inside of three weeks. The tile floors are being laid at the present time.

October 22, 1924

For the first time in the history of Porter County jurisprudence, women are today on a jury in the Porter Circuit Court. Two women were drawn on the jury to try the Newell vs. Seipial, for damages, resulting from an automobile accident on Ridge Road, Gary. The women jurors are Mrs. Martha Cowdrey and Mrs. Alice Bryarly.

October 23, 1924

The Porter Lodge of Masons, of Valparaiso, today sold a vacant lot at the southwest corner of Indiana Avenue and Franklin Street to the Independent Oil Company, of LaPorte. The lodge acquired the property some time ago intending to build a new temple, but with the recent purchase of the Sievers building on East Lincolnway, gave up the idea.

Rev. Richard Oscar, of Chicago, has accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church at Kouts and will deliver his first sermon on Sunday morning. Rev. Oscar has spoken in Kouts on several occasions.

October 24, 1924

Valparaiso radio broadcasting station WRBC, owned and operated by the Immanuel Lutheran Church, has received a letter from Winnipeg, Canada, stating that the church service broadcast Sunday evening was heard very distinctly there. This afternoon, the station broadcasted the Valparaiso-St. Viator football game direct from Brown Field.

Fire at 1:30 o’clock this afternoon damaged the Hanson Boarding House on College Hill, across from the Valparaiso University auditorium. The blaze started on the roof and gained considerable headway before discovery. The entire top floor was gutted and the lower floor damaged. Students living in the home lost much of their clothing. It is believed that the fire originated from a water heater.

October 25, 1924

The Valparaiso University football team defeated St. Viator College here yesterday at Brown Field, 12 to 0. The visitors greatly outweighed the locals. Halfback Ralph “Swede” Surface made both local touchdowns with long runs after fumbles. St. Viator smashed its way to Valpo’s two-yard line but were held for downs.

The Valparaiso City Council at its meeting last night awarded the contract for the construction of Calumet Avenue, with curb and gutter, to Gerald McGillicuddy. Samuel Richards was given the contract for the construction of the Alpen sewer.

October 26, 1924

The Indiana Attorney General’s office moved Saturday to block the final efforts of Harry Diamond, awaiting execution for the murder of his wife, to escape the electric chair. A petition has been filed with the Indiana Supreme Court asking dismissal of a petition filed by attorneys for Diamond, in which they sought an order on the Porter Circuit Court for a sanity hearing for Diamond. His attorneys claim he has become insane since his sentence to the electric chair.

Elmer Varbel, age 25, was killed Sunday afternoon at his home when a rifle was accidentally discharged. Mr. Varbel was struck in the temple. He was taken to the Methodist Hospital in Gary, but died three hours later. He was employed in the tin mills at Gary.

October 27, 1924

The murder trial of John O’Reilly, Chicago gangster, for the slaying of Attorney Thad Fancher, of Crown Point, was begun this morning in Porter Circuit Court before Judge Harry L. Crumpacker, of the Porter Circuit Court, who was selected as special judge. Yesterday Judge Crumpacker overruled a motion attacking the legality of the drawing of the jurors to try the case.

The direction of the Porter County Farm Bureau held a meeting yesterday and elected officers as follows: L. K. Wyckoff, president; E. E. Starkey, vice president; Vernon Shurr, secretary; Bruce Lantz, treasurer.

October 28, 1924

The Indiana Supreme Court is adjourned until Nov. 5, the day after election, postponing hearing on the petition for a stay of execution of Harry Diamond, convicted Gary wife slayer, sentenced to die Nov. 14. Diamond’s plea was to have been heard yesterday. He was convicted in the Porter Circuit Court.

October 29, 1924

Two jury panels drawn for the John O’Reilly murder case were exhausted today with the jury box still lacking the requisite number of jurors to try the case. Judge H. L. Crumpacker ordered a new panel drawn this afternoon and extra talesman summoned tomorrow morning for examination.

October 30, 1924

The John O’Reilly murder jury in Porter Circuit Court was selected today. The jury is as follows: A. A. Jones, Morgan Porch, George Arnold, Bert White, Henry F. Black, Swan Nilson, Ray Crisman, Charles Tannehill, M. L. Galbreath, Alice Bryarly, Martha Cowdrey, and John McRoberts.

Ed Jackson, Republican candidate for governor, spoke to a large crowd in Memorial Opera House last night. County Chairman E. L. Loomis presided, and Dr. H. M. Evans introduced the speaker. Mr. Jackson spoke mainly on taxation in Indiana. Arthur L. Gilliom, of South Bend, candidate for attorney general, also spoke.

October 31, 1924

First testimony in the John O’Reilly murder case on trial in Porter Circuit Court was given on the witness stand this morning. Witnesses were Melvin Prevo and Miss Muriel McCambridge, who were in the Halfway House, near Cedar Lake, at the time it was held up by the Chicago gangsters. Both witnesses identified O’Reilly as one of the holdup men.

While excavating for a new home in Forest Park, diggers yesterday unearthed a human foot which had become petrified. It is believed that it belonged to a Native American, possibly a member of the Potawatomi, which inhabited this region until the early 1830s.

Looking Back • September 1924

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

September 1, 1924

John G. Marks and Gordon Wheeler left today for Michigan City, where they will attend the annual convention of the Indiana Firemen’s Association. The meeting will last two days.

September 2, 1924

The Beatrice Creamery Company, of Chicago, recently opened a new cream station in the Specht Flower Shop on Lincolnway. Three hundred gallons of cream were handled on the opening day. The cream is delivered daily to Chicago by express.

September 3, 1924

The Walb Construction Company, which has the contract for the excavation of the Burns Ditch, will place the big dredge boat in operation tomorrow. The river dredging started at the point where the Wabash Railroad crosses the Little Calumet River. Mayor R. O. Johnson, of Gary, will throw the first full scoop of mud via dredge boat.

September 4, 1924

The Porter County educational exhibit by the Farm Bureau at the Indiana State Fair won second prize this year, according to a telegram received today from County Agent A. Z. Arehart. Fayette County took first honors, Porter County second, and Howard County, third. Last year Porter County carried off the blue ribbon.

September 5, 1924

P. T. Clifford and Son, of Valparaiso, have just been awarded two big railroad construction contracts. One of these contracts is to build a new yard for the Nickel Plate Railroad at Stony Island. The other contract is for grading and laying rails of the Union Railway at Fort Wayne.

Rev. and Mrs. George Schutes left today for Logan, Ohio, where the local pastor will preach at a mission festival on Sunday. Logan, Ohio, is the old pastorate of Rev. Schutes and the local pastor and his wife are looking forward to a happy reunion with old friends.

September 6, 1924

Attendance in Valparaiso and Porter County schools for the fall opening is exceptionally large, according to reports received today. A total of 1,550 were registered in the Valparaiso City Schools. The count in the county has not been tabulated as yet, but this year’s figure is expected to show an increase over last year.

Miss Annette Ketchum, a graduate of Valparaiso High School, has gone to Ann Arbor, Mich., to enter the nurse's training school there. She is a daughter of Dr. Frederick G. Ketchum, a former Valparaiso physician. She attended Indiana University at Bloomington for two years after finishing high school.

September 7, 1924

The Philley Brothers today announced they had leased the Haste building on Franklin Street in Valparaiso. They will add a bakery and dairy lunch, with H. S. Philley, formerly of the University Bakery and Cafeteria, in charge. It is expected the new place will be in operation by October 1. The Schelling storeroom will be vacated in favor of the new location. The Premier Theatre store will be retained for the present, but eventually will be sold.

The estate of William E. Pinney, local banker, is valued at $85,000, according to an inventory filed in Porter Circuit Court. At the time of his death, Mr. Pinney owned 1,000 acres of land in Porter and LaPorte Counties at a valuation of $60,000. Personal property was valued at $25,000. In 1919, Mr. Pinney deeded 468 acres to Purdue University, and also deeded a number of farms in Porter and LaPorte Counties to his daughter, Mrs. Myra Pinney Clark.

September 8, 1924

A Porter Circuit Court grand jury was empaneled today by Judge H. H. Loring, who instructed them as to their duties. Matthew S. Campbell was appointed foreman, and D. Clark, secretary. The jury, after being instructed, adjourned for one week.

The program broadcast by Station WRBC, of Valparaiso, last night brought many favorable comments and praise from music lovers listening in. Those taking part were Mrs. Larson, the regular organist; Mrs. A.Z. Arehart, choir director and soloist; Miss Elizabeth Wyman, William Von Doehren, and George Wyman.

September 9, 1924

College Hill rooming house owners met and voted to decrease prices on rooms by 25%. The step followed that of Valparaiso University authorities who announced a price reduction several days ago.

September 10, 1924

The Fibroc Insulation Company, of Valparaiso, was today awarded the contract for a new building costing $45,000. The building, which is expected to be completed within thirty days, will give the company 6,000 additional feet of floor space. The company has many large orders on hand from radio manufacturing firms, which use the local product in building radio sets.

September 11, 1924

Vandals are giving school authorities at Westchester Township plenty of trouble these days. The latest is the theft of a big leather belt, valued at $100, from the Westchester Township High School. At the Porter school, a lock to the playgrounds was tampered with and rendered useless by youths stuffing it with small sticks.

Porter County Christian churches will hold their annual meeting in Valparaiso on Sunday, Sept. 14. A basket dinner will be served at the church at Noon. Each church in the county will have a program to render at the meeting and the Rev. Claude E. Hill, a former pastor of the local church, will attend.

September 12, 1924

Valparaiso today celebrated National Defense Day with a parade and fitting exercises held in the Memorial Opera House. Business throughout Valparaiso suspended at Noon to join in the rites. Following the parade, Oswald Ryan, of Anderson, was chief speaker at the exercises held at Memorial. Judge H. H. Loring presided at the meeting. At the Valparaiso High School in the morning, President H. M. Evans, of Valparaiso University, spoke. Schools were dismissed at Noon for the day.

The Foster Lumber & Coal Company is rushing work on the new Elks’ Temple building. Some delay ensued because of failure of steel to arrive, but it is now here, and work is being rushed with hope that all mason work will be finished before cold weather sets in. The concrete men worked last night under the glare of electric lights.

September 13, 1924

The Porter County Farm Bureau directors have completed arrangements for the handling of Farm Bureau commodities, it was announced today. S. J. Brown will act as agent in the handling of all Farm Bureau products, such as feeds, fertilizer, twine, coal, and seeds. These commodities will be handled in carload lots throughout the county.

Frank Cowdrey, S. C. Keeler, William Wareham, Chris Gruenert, Charles Larrew and J. W. Barnes, the latter of Wheeler, are attending the annual outing today at Winona Lake of the Pennsylvania Railroad. A dinner was served at the Winona Hotel and a program followed.

September 14, 1924

Harry Clyde Coffeen, age 47 years, of Oak Park, Ill., was drowned on Sunday afternoon in Lake Michigan off Waverly Beach. Coffeen, a member of the Prairie Club of Chicago, was riding in a canoe with Mrs. Frank Pond, of Oak Park, when the craft capsized as he tried to change seats. Mrs. Pond swam ashore but Coffeen, though a good swimmer, sank. He was brought to shore by other members of the party but could not be revived. Acting Coroner Harry E. Gowland held an inquest.

State Highway Superintendent George Pearce announced today that the pouring of tar for the new black top on the Lincoln Highway east of Valparaiso would begin in a few days, and that, if weather permits, the highway will be open again for traffic within three weeks.

September 15, 1924

Wheeler is to have a new Pennsylvania Railroad passenger station. Plans for the new station are now in the hands of carpenter foreman J. F. Sheley, who states that work will begin at once. The station, a combination freight and passenger depot, will be of frame construction and 42’ by 20’ in size.

C.J. Gruenert, veteran Pennsylvania Railroad conductor, running out of Valparaiso, was elected president of the Western Veterans’ Association of the railroad employees at the annual meeting held at Winona Lake on Sunday. Two hundred and fifty employees with more than twenty-five years of service were in attendance.

September 16, 1924

Charles W. Ronan, age 72 years, and a former resident of Hebron, was found dead around 10 o’clock in the evening at the Peter LeFlesh place at Flint Lake. Mr. LeFlesh found the body after he had failed to receive an answer to a call made by him. Heart trouble was the cause of death.

September 17, 1924

Henry Massey, of Gary, was shot and killed by Deputy Sheriff Howard Walter, of Lake County, last night when he tried to hold up the Tierney soft drink parlor at Merrillville. Shortly after the shooting, a man, giving his name as John Dillinger, and believed to be an accomplice of Massey, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Walter. Dillinger was sitting in a car parked near the railroad station in Merrillville at the time. He was unable to give any good reason for his presence there.

September 18, 1924

With Valparaiso school buildings crowded, agitation is being started in Center Township and Valparaiso for the organization of a township high school district, similar to Westchester Township. Valparaiso is in dire need of a new high school building and Center Township, outside of Valparaiso, also has a surplus of pupils. Jointly the two corporations, Valparaiso and Center Township, could issue bonds in the sum of $215,000 for the building of a high school. This would allow the Central School to be used for Junior High and grade pupils.

Additional contracts for the new Elks’ Lodge building now being built were awarded last night. A new ventilating system and plate glass windows for the entire building will be installed. The building committee will meet next Wednesday to award the contract for the heat control system.

September 19, 1924

The W. R. C. District Convention convened today at Odd Fellows Hall in Valparaiso. The district comprises fifteen counties, and there are two hundred and fifty delegates present. Flags were displayed about the business district in honor of the visitors. At Noon, a dinner was served to the visitors at Odd Fellows Hall, and this afternoon an automobile ride was given to the delegates, sponsored by the directors of the chamber of commerce.

A large number of Valparaiso people are planning to go to Gary tonight to hear John W. Davis, Democratic candidate for President, deliver an address. Mr. Davis addressed a crowd estimated at 15,000 in Chicago last night at Dexter Pavilion.

September 20, 1924

Michigan City was chosen for the next meeting of the Thirteenth District W. R. C. meeting in 1925 at the annual gathering held in Valparaiso yesterday at Odd Fellow Hall. The meeting was honored with the presence of three department officers, Mrs. Cooper, president, of Evansville; Mrs. Eifler, of Gary, inspector; and Mrs. Hubbard, Hammond, chaplain. Officers of the local corps, headed by Mrs. Ida Cowdrey, president, opened the meeting, later yielding their chairs to the district officers, headed by Miss Josephine Frazier, of Valparaiso. Mrs. A. O. Bondy gave the address of welcome, and Mrs. Blanche Gardner, of Wanatah, the response.

The Valparaiso City Council at a meeting last night adopted a resolution for the improvement of Calumet Avenue, from the Grand Trunk Railroad tracks north to the city limits.

September 21, 1924

Rev. E. W. Streker was returned as pastor of the Valparaiso Methodist Episcopal church at the annual conference held at Clinton, Indiana. Announcement of appointments was made today. Rev. Bender was sent to the Hebron church in place of Rev. J. A. Lord.

John Piepho, of Hebron, today filed suit in Porter Circuit Court for an injunction against the Town of Hebron. He avers the town is constructing a new sewer and that the outlet is on his 123-acre farm. He has never consented to the move, he alleges.

September 22, 1924

The Valparaiso High School lost its first football game of the season to the strong East Chicago team at East Chicago by a score of 33 to 0 on Saturday. The locals were too light for the heavy East Chicago team. Mohnssen, Valparaiso fullback, suffered a broken collar bone while making a tackle.

Sunday was one of the hottest days of September with the thermometer at the Flint Lake pumping station showing a temperature of 90 degrees. Late in the day a heavy fall of rain broke the heat wave. About seven tenths of an inch of rain fell in a few minutes. A heavy electrical display prevailed.

September 23, 1924

The Lewis E. Meyers Company has bought eight acres adjoining its plant, recently acquired from the Pitkin & Brooks Glass Company. The land was owned by L. S. Higley and F. A. Turner. The deeds were filed today on record. The land will be used in further expansion of the company.

September 24, 1924

If plans for engineers for the Michigan Central railroad are carried out, the Town of Porter is going to lose the site of part of its business houses, if not all of them. Plans of the engineers call for the taking of the greater part of the present business area for the connection of the Michigan Central tracks with those of the New York Central. A plan is being advanced to open Sherman Street to the Dunes Highway and locate the business houses on the street.

September 25, 1924

Attendance at the annual Porter County Fair Wednesday was not up to standard, and fair officials were keenly disappointed because of the fine program given, especially in the race events. The free acts were also of fine character. Judging of the various exhibits began yesterday and premiums were awarded.

A motion for a change of judge in the famous Carr Land Case pending in the LaPorte Circuit Court was made at LaPorte Tuesday by attorneys for the defendant. The case was venued to LaPorte Tuesday by attorneys for the defendant and after the State Supreme Court had sent it back for retrial. It involves ownership of valuable property on Lake Michigan near Miller.

September 26, 1924

Unless the State Highway Commission intervenes, the Dunes Highway will be cut in two by the digging of the Burns Ditch. Broderick Brothers, digging the main channel, are approaching the Dunes Highway at the rate of fifty feet a day. Orders have been given to the contractors to pay no attention to the state highway but dig right through it. According to the report, the highway is said to be a trespasser across the ditch. No permission was ever asked by the Highway Commission when the road was built. A bridge over the ditch would be 150 feet long, with a seventy-foot span thirty-five feet above the ditch bottom. It would entail a cost of $100,000.

Pickpockets operated at the Porter County Fair yesterday and several losses were reported. One lady is said to have lost a piece of jewelry valued at $1,500, while one farmer lost $125. A number of others lost articles.

September 27, 1924

An airplane operated by J. J. Grady, an aviator, at the Porter County Fairgrounds, crashed yesterday afternoon. Grady suffered cuts and bruises, and Edward Fraley, age 18, of near Boone Grove, a passenger suffered a broken leg, broken collarbone, fractured nose and other injuries. Grady, according to accounts of the accident, had taken Fraley for a ride, when about 850 feet up the controls jammed, due to, it is said, someone tampering with the machine. Grady managed to prevent the plane from nose diving, but the craft struck the ground with terrific force, completely wrecking it.

The Ku Klux Klan held a big initiation last night at the Porter County Fairgrounds following a fireworks display. A fiery cross was a feature. The Chesterton Klan took charge of the ceremony, initiating a class of fifty-five candidates.

September 28, 1924

The Philley Brothers’ newsstand and confectionery store is moving to its new location, across the street from the Schelling Theatre, and is now doing business in the new place. They plan to hold a grand opening later.

Edward Fraley, of near Boone Grove, who was badly injured in an airplane crash at the Porter County Fairgrounds Friday afternoon, is reported to be on the road to recovery, despite rumors that he had died. He will be confined to his home for some time with his broken leg.

September 29, 1924

The people of Porter County will have an opportunity to vote on whether they want a county hospital. A petition has been filed with the county commissioners asking the erection of such a building, not to cost more than $100,000, and asking for a $2M tax levy to be levied over a period of 20 years. The county board will place the petition before the voters at the November election.

The Salvation Army Band, of Chicago, gave a concert Sunday afternoon at the courthouse lawn. Col. Alexander Damon was in charge of the band. The concert was given gratis.

September 30, 1924

The Valparaiso Kiwanis Club has closed the contract for the appearance here on Oct. 28 of the famous Bohumir Kryl and His Band, of Chicago. The band will play in the Valparaiso University auditorium. A metropolitan grand opera soloist travels with the band.

Looking Back • August 1924

These century-old historical excerpts were selected from the Looking Backward feature of The Vidette-Messenger newspaper, which are part of the PoCo Muse Collection. Originally, these bits of information appeared as larger stories in the Valparaiso Daily Vidette and The Evening Messenger newspapers.

August 1, 1924

Clarence Quinn, who for a number of years has operated a general store at Winfield, Lake County, has sold the business to W. S. Lindall, and has taken the Lindall farm near Cook’s Corners in Porter County and will move there this fall.

Six Chicago boys, ranging in age from 12 to 15 years, were placed under arrest today noon by Sheriff William Pennington and Deputy Sheriff W. B. Forney, charged with stealing $89 from Bert Sager, of Sager Lake. After stealing the money, the “baby bandits,” who were camping at Sager’s buried the money back of the bath house. All the money was recovered. The boys will be held pending an investigation.

August 2, 1924

Valparaiso will be represented in the Northern Indiana Tennis Tournament at Whiting after all. Miss Helen Schleman, a local star, who was selected as the best girl athlete at Northwestern University by President Walter Dill Scott, has signified her intention of entering the women’s singles. Play will start next week.

James H. McGill, staunch political backer of Robert M. LaFollette for president, on the Independent ticket, was boosting the “Fighting Bob” campaign in LaPorte yesterday. Mr. McGill is optimistic over the headway that has been made in organizing LaFollette clubs in every city, town, and township in the state. A meeting in the interest of LaFollette will be held in the North American Union Hall at 58 Lincolnway in Valparaiso Tuesday evening.

August 3, 1924

Manager Deak Austin’s reorganized Durant-Stars defeated the Columbia City Greys at the Robinson Park in Fort Wayne Sunday by a score of 4 to 2. The only scoring was in the Valpo seventh when four runs were collected by Newkirk, former Chicago Cub hurler, held Columbia City to two hits and struck out 14.

Sheriff William Pennington and Deputy Sheriff W. B. Forney captured a big still and fifteen gallons of whiskey in Portage Township late Friday night. Metro Vingenor was taken into custody charged with violation of the liquor laws. His partner in the business made his escape.

August 4, 1924

Smith and Smiths Lumber Company, of Valparaiso, was awarded the contract for the improvements to be made at the Baptist Church by the board of trustees at a meeting held last night. An entirely new auditorium will be built, and an addition built for a Sunday school room and recreation center. A new heating plant and latest lighting fixtures will be installed. The improvements will cost around $20,000.

August 5, 1924

A party of Canadian farmers from Ontario will spend the night in Valparaiso on Monday, August 18, enroute to Illinois. The party will number 100, including women, and will visit the corn belt of Indiana and Illinois. The visitors will be met at Michigan City and given a supper here. County Agent A. Z. Arehart is in charge of the arrangements.

August 6, 1924

Approximately thirty enthusiastic believers in Senator LaFollette’s program met at the North American Union Hall last evening and organized a LaFollette-Wheeler Club for the ensuing campaign. A number of those present made talks. Another meeting will be held next Monday evening at the Union headquarters, at which the committee of five will make a report on the best plan for a permanent organization.

Charles Nuppnau, former Valparaiso man, has been granted a building permit at Gary to erect an addition to his store building at 579 Massachusetts Street, costing $25,000. The new addition consists of a storeroom and three apartments.

August 7, 1924 

Through the efforts of State Senator Will Brown, of Hebron, and other citizens in the south part of Porter County, the Harding Highway has been permanently located and marked through Porter County. The road runs from Marion, Ohio, the old home of the president, to the Pacific coast. The road strikes Lacrosse and enters Porter County in that vicinity, passing through both Kouts and Hebron, and then through Lake County to the state line at Illinois.

The Nichols Construction Company, of Hebron, has been awarded the contract by the Lake County Commissioners for a new steel and concrete bridge at the 21st Avenue Crossing of the Little Calumet. The bridge will not be built until the Burns Ditch is completed sometime next year. The bridge will cost $26,000.

August 8, 1924

Rev. J. P. Findley, an old-time Christian minister, died recently at the Deaconess Hospital in Indianapolis following two operations. Years ago, he officiated as pastor of the Christian churches at Hebron and Boone Grove. He also frequently visited in Valparaiso.

The Walb Construction Company, contractors on the Burns Ditch, will begin operations within a few days. The company will work between the head of the main channel at Dunes Park to the mouth of Deep River. The Broderick Company, of Detroit, Mich., is now excavating the main channel between Lake Michigan and Little Calumet River. A gigantic electric-driven digger is eating its way through a sand dune 56 feet high and 1,000 feet wide. The ditch at this point will be 70 feet wife at the bottom and 250 feet wide at the top of the banks.

August 9, 1924

The Valparaiso City Council at its regular meeting Friday night adopted a building code ordinance by a vote of 5 to 1. Councilman Louis Gast voted against the measure. The council awarded the contract for improving East Main Street with curb and macadam to William St. Clair at a bid of $9,300, and the contract for combined curb and gutter on North Franklin Street to Gerald McGillicuddy for $2,470.

Preparations for the big Brown-Kinsey banquet on August 13, one of the features of the Valparaiso University homecoming, are now complete. A dinner will be held at East Hall, and a program staged later in the auditorium. The program for August 9, 10, and 11, was announced today. Judge Ninan H. Welch, United States Senator, A. A. Jones, of New Mexico, Patrick H. Kelly, and Father William T. Sloan are on the program for addresses. Miss Burdette Cleveland, Mrs. Gertrude Horn-Cregor, Mrs. Fannie Amstutz-Roberts, Carl Craven, Mrs. Lucille Wynekoop, Ruth Axe Brown, and Anna Krasankas will be featured in musical numbers. Miss Murial Bielter, Miss Louise Horn, and Miss Edna Agar will give readings.

August 10, 1924

Miss Helen Schleman, of Valparaiso, ace of Northwestern University’s co-ed athletes, was defeated in the Northern Indiana tennis finals held at Whiting Saturday. Mrs. Lewis Bailey, of Chicago, a veteran tennis player, was her nemesis. Miss Schleman captured the first set, 6 to 3, but dropped the last two, 6 to 3.

Work on lowering the grade in the stretch of sidewalk from Valparaiso’s new Elks’ temple to Napoleon Street, was commenced this morning. The improvement will remedy the dangerous slope where the walk crosses the post office alley.

August 11, 1924

The plant of the Valparaiso Lighting Company has been purchased by Calumet Gas & Electric Company from the Central Indiana Power Company, which in turn is controlled by the American Public Utilities Company, the Kelsey-Brewer syndicate of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Charles W. Chase, of Gary, will become head of the local company. R. J. Cory will remain as manager. The Valparaiso Company has 2,790 electric and 1,860 gas consumers. It also serves electric customers in Hebron, Kouts, Boone Grove, and other small communities. The average monthly output of electricity is 170-kilowatt hours and gas sales average 3,500,500 cubic feet monthly.

August 12, 1924

Attorney Daniel Kelley and his wife, Angela, returned home recently from a six weeks’ trip abroad. They visited France, Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. Mr. Kelly attended the international bar meetings in London, and both were presented at Buckingham Palace to the king and queen. A dinner party was enjoyed today at the Kelly home at which a number of relatives from Michigan City attended.

August 13, 1924

John L. Foster, 62, Valparaiso wholesale and retail ice cream dealer, died yesterday afternoon in the Christian Hospital of injuries received earlier in the day when he slipped and fell down a stairway in the rear of the Superior Inn on North Washington Street. He was discovered by Jack Stephens and taken to the hospital. Just before he died, he told doctors that he had stumbled and fallen down the stairs.

Valparaiso’s contribution to the Near East relief was shipped out today and consisted of 76 gunny sacks and eight packages. The boy scouts gathered the contributions, and four trucks were donated for the work by local garages. The grocers gave the sacks, and the material was packed in the Methodist church by representatives of the various churches. The Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company shipped out the clothing today.

August 14, 1924

Nine hundred persons attended the banquet given in East Hall last night in honor of Henry Baker Brown and Oliver P. Kinsey, founder and co-founder of Valparaiso University. It was one of the highlights of the annual homecoming celebration of the school. John M. Stinson, of Hammond, acted as toastmaster. Talks were made by Eugene F. O’Riordan, Elmer D. Brothers, Perry L. Sisson, Martin H. Carmody, Mrs. Edward D. Crumpacker, Thomas F. Donovan, Mrs. H. B. Brown and others.

The Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company which recently closed negotiations for the purchase of the Portage Telephone Company, Wednesday began wrecking the Chesterton end of the Portage Home plant and a gang of men are engaged in taking down the old poles and wires. The entire system will be junked, and a cable strung to take care of the increased patronage of the Northwestern company. Next week, the company will begin work putting all the wires in the business district underground and will take all poles out of the alleys and streets.

August 15, 1924

After Engineer Floyd R. McNiece had submitted three different plans for the street grade on Calumet Avenue in Valparaiso, north of the Grand Trunk railroad, and Councilman Louis Gast had tried to get the council to accept one of the three, without result, the matter was finally continued for two weeks. Engineer McNiece told the council to forget that he had drawn any plans and obtain another engineer to make a survey and draft plans.

Camp Dillingham, the Porter and LaPorte County boys’ and girls’ club camp at Wauhob Lake, came to a close last night with a burst of enthusiasm. Many visitors were present at the camp yesterday and saw the boys and girls at work; they formed the bread line with them; they witnessed the impressive flag lowering exercises; they heard the patriotic songs. A campfire closed the day’s festivities.

August 16, 1924

Valparaiso and Porter County will have two new school buildings for use this fall. They are the Banta grade building in Valparaiso, and the Morgan Township consolidated school in Morgan Township, south of Valparaiso. The Morgan school is on the center of a twenty-acre tract. It will contain nine rooms, a domestic science department, and gymnasium. Six teachers will be employed at the school, three of them for the four-year high school course.

Chief Pharmacist’s Mate M. F. Moe was replaced by Chief Torpedoman L. M. Eddy on Wednesday as officer in charge of the Valparaiso recruiting office located in the chamber of commerce building. Mr. Moe, a former Valpo boy, will be added to the recruiting staff of the Indianapolis office.

August 17, 1924

The Valparaiso Durant-Stars defeated the Pontiac, Ill., team at Pontiac on Sunday by a score of 6 to 2. Knight struck out twelve Pontiac batters. Buck Weaver played short for Valparaiso.

Nelson Field has closed the deal for purchase of the T. H. Claussen building at 18 Indiana Avenue, south of the courthouse, in Valparaiso. Mr. Field will move his job printing office into the new location and expects to have his place ready within thirty days.

August 18, 1924

The building code ordinance, regulating the construction of new buildings, extending the fire limits, and so forth, which has been the chief topic for consideration by the Valparaiso City Council for several months, will become a law of the city after its official publication. The first publication was made today.

August 19, 1924

O. C. Ferrell, of Valparaiso, employed in the Gary steel mills, is confined to his home here from a sprained back received while working in the mills Saturday afternoon. He is employed as a pipe fitter.

August 20, 1924

One hundred and ten Canadians in twenty-five automobiles, arrived in Valparaiso last night to spend the night. They left this morning for Steger, Ill., and will then go to Joliet, Ill., for a visit at the state prison and prison farm. They will stay at Bloomington for the night, and then go to the University of Illinois. Friday, they will visit several interesting farms and attend the Interstate fair. The Canadians will cover 1,000 miles in their trip through Illinois counties.

President H. M. Evans, of Valparaiso University, today announced that material reductions in tuition, board, and room would be made for the fall term of school. The tuition rate has been fixed at $48 per term, with $4 for athletics, library, and Torch. Board at Altruria has been lowered from $4.50 to $4, and room rent has been lowered 25%.

August 21, 1924

The large number of accidents on the Dunes Highway in north Porter County has caused agitation throughout the county for additional state roads to relieve the congestion on that highway. Valparaiso interests are trying to interest the state highway commission to build a hard-surface road through Wheeler and Hobart to Gary and then change the Lincoln Highway state road number back so that it comes straight through LaPorte and Valparaiso. Tourists then would have a straight road to Chicago through Hobart and Wheeler.

Valparaiso today sweltered in one of the hottest days of the summer. The official reading on the government thermometer at the Flint Lake pumping station showed 92 degrees at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon.

August 22, 1924

R. D. Raymond, of Valparaiso, well known in Valparaiso and Porter County, returned last evening from Indianapolis where he has been attending a session of independent voters. Duffy obtained prominence at the meeting when he announced as a candidate for governor on the independent ticket. Raymond’s decision to run on an independent ticket resulted from a refusal of the Indiana convention of the LaFollette Progressive Political Action party to recognize a state ticket. Raymond led the insurgent group which named a state ticket. In the platform adopted, one of the planks calls for the driving of the Klan out of Indiana.

The new Morgan Township school was in use for the first time last evening when the Ladies’ Aid of Malden gave an ice cream social at the schoolhouse. The social was given for the benefit of the Adams Sunday School and about $40 was cleared. A new piano will be purchased.

August 23, 1924

The Valparaiso City Council at its regular meeting Friday extended an invitation to the officers of the Indiana Elks’ Association to hold its 1925 meeting in Valparaiso. The council, in a resolution passed, assured that every courtesy possible would be shown the visiting Elks while in the city.

The story of Lowell Thomas, world famous traveler and lecturer, who worked his way through Valparaiso twelve years ago and, for a time, was an assistant instructor in the school, is graphically told in a six-page article in the September issue of American Magazine. It tells of his war record in Palestine, Arabia, Germany, and other countries.

August 24, 1924

At a called meeting of the Valparaiso Woman’s Club on Saturday, decision was reached whereby the club purchased the Loring property at the corner of Jefferson and Washington Streets, of J. R. Pagin, for a consideration of $30,000. The building will be called the Sarah Porter Kinsey Memorial, after Mrs. Kinsey, who has been a leader in local, state, and national women’s club affairs.

The Kouts Boosters defeated the strong North Judson team Sunday at Kouts by a score of 5 to 4. Crowe and Wellman were the battery for Kouts, and Dunkleburger and Rickey worked for North Judson. Wellman led the Kouts attack with a double and triple. Dunkelburger struck out thirteen Kouts batters.

August 25, 1924

The Porter County Holstein Friesian Association has decided to ship a carload of cattle for exhibition at the state fair at Indianapolis. Walter Williams, of Porter Township, will accompany the cattle, which will leave Valparaiso on Saturday. Herman Homfeld, Charles Ohlfest, Frank Bushore, John Froberk, Edward Anderson, Tom Keene, and Dan Haxton will furnish the cattle.

August 26, 1924

The new Banta School, in Valparaiso’s First Ward, recently completed, will be thrown open for inspection Friday, the school board announced today. A short ceremony, in which the building will be turned over to the city, will be held at the south entrance on Beech Street before the inspection.

August 27, 1924

Valparaiso was yesterday awarded the 1925 Elks’ State Convention at the annual meeting held at Terre Haute. Gary was the chief contender against Valparaiso, but the local lodge went down well fortified to land the honor. The convention will be held in August. The new Elks’ Temple under construction will be ready for the accommodation of the visiting host which is expected to number several thousand.

An accidental death verdict was rendered today by Coroner H. O. Seipel in the death of Edward Murphy, of Valparaiso, who was killed late yesterday afternoon on the Lincoln Highway, just west of the city, when struck by a car driven by R. D. Anderson, of Jamestown, N.Y. Murphy was killed while walking along the highway toward town.

August 28, 1924

Rev. C. E. Burns, pastor of the Christian church, tendered his resignation to the board of trustees at a special meeting held last night, and will be associated with the Children’s Foundation in the capacity of a member of the administrative staff. He and his family will continue to reside here.

Julius Albe, of Valparaiso, was named trustee for three years at the annual meeting of the Indiana State Elks’ Association held at Terre Haute. Charles P. Nuppnau, of Gary, former Valparaiso man, was appointed Chaplain by President Garnet R. Fleming.

August 29, 1924

William E. Pinney, one of the pioneer residents of Valparaiso and Porter County, died at the Chicago home of his daughter, Mrs. Myra Pinney Clark, this afternoon at 1:15 o'clock. He was born in Clinton Township, LaPorte County, seventy-seven years ago. He was an attorney for a number of years, organizer of the State Bank of Valparaiso and Trust Company, and prominent in the civic and business life of the city and county. Mr. Pinney was a large landowner and gave a 468-acre farm in Porter and LaPorte Counties to Purdue University to be used for experimental purposes.

At a meeting of the Valparaiso School Board and Porter County Red Cross Society last evening, Mrs. E. K. Finney was selected as county health nurse to succeed Mrs. Jewell Reagan, who tendered her resignation. Mrs. Finney will begin her new duties on Tuesday morning, Sept. 2.

August 30, 1924

The new Banta School in the first ward was officially turned over to the City of Valparaiso in ceremonies held Friday afternoon at the school. A large crowd was present when Superintendent C. W. Boucher opened the meeting with a short talk. Others speaking were Charles Foster, the contractor; Mittie E. Stoner, member of the school board; Martin Erickson, Gary, architect; A. A. Hughart, president of the school board, and Councilman Rollin C. Higley, representing Mayor E. W. Agar. Following the speech-making, the crowd was shown through the school. The building was started on March 25, and cost $76,000 unfurnished. It was named after William H. Banta, first superintendent of Valparaiso schools.

Midshipman Byron Loomis, of the United States Navy, is here for a visit with his parents, E. L.  and Nellie Loomis. He has just returned from a tour of Europe on the battleship Colorado. This is his last year at the academy.

August 31, 1924

The Porter County Cow Testing Association completed the year’s work on August 1 with a total of 174 yearly records averaging 8,023 pounds of milk. This is an increase of 551 pounds of milk per cow or 7% over the average for 1922-23.

William Quinn, a former resident of Valparaiso, was in the city Sunday visiting old friends and relatives. Mr. Quinn, known by his old friends as “Bill,” left for the west forty-two years ago and, since then, no one had heard from him.