Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on April 13, 1951.
School Children Given TB Patch Test
MRS. H.S. BARNES, executive secretary of the Porter County Tuberculosis association, and Miss Dorothy Smith, Valparaiso school health nurse, are shown completing a tuberculosis patch test examination on a group of youngsters at the Immanuel Lutheran school this morning. As is customary in the patch test process, these children were applied with the patch a week ago and then were examined today for a negative or positive report. Mrs. Barnes stated that in the past six weeks 1,245 children in the Valparaiso and Porter county schools were given the patch test, which returned positive reports on a very small percentage. This service, designated to protect school children and acquaint parents with the dangers and measures to be taken in combating this dreaded disease, is offered by the Porter County TB.