Tri Kappa

Feb. 4, 1941: Kappas Laud Miss Agar’s Salon Entry

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on February 4, 1941.

Kappas Laud Miss Agar’s Salon Entry

Miss Katherine Jones was hostess to 40 Tri kappas Monday evening in the hospitable home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G.R. Jones, on East Lincolnway.

Miss Edna Agar, member of Iota Chapter, was lauded by her sister-members for the distinction she won for herself in having her picture “Our House” accepted in the 1941 Hoosier Art Salon which is now having its seventeenth annual showing at Marshall Field’s in Chicago. There are 127 active chapters in Tri Kappa in the state, the majority of which belong to the Hoosier salon Patrons’ association. The grand council of Tri Kappa gives a first prize award of $450 each year.

During the salon members of Kappa Kappa Kappa from all over Indiana Attend the annual K. K. K. day and enjoy the pictures in the salon. Mrs. Avery Weaver, local chapter president, expressed the pride she and Mr. Weaver felt while attending the pre-view of the salon in knowing Miss Agar personally and seeing her picture listed as number two hanging on the walls of the salon.

It was the unanimous opinion that Mrs. John Lowenstine, local corresponding secretary, [illegible] Editor of Cross Keys, the sorority’s state publication, and request that Miss Agar’s name be listed as “Who’s Who” in Tri Kappa. A few years ago Miss Agar’s work passed a jury in California while she was with the Walt Disney studio. Only last fall the local girls, because of their appreciation and pride in Edna and her artistic ability, commissioned her to paint a picture for the Tri Kappa room in the Porter Memorial hospital.

Several matters of major importance pertaining to the sorority’s interests were discussed and voted upon and reports from various committees on current projects were given.

At the close of the lengthy business meeting the members were served delicious refreshments by Miss Jones and her assistants, Mesdames William and Paul Nuppnau, Jr. Bridge and conversation concluded a most successful evening.