Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on December 8, 1960.
Plans Being Developed For Proposed Valparaiso Park In Spectacle-Loomis Area
Preliminary action has been taken by the Valparaiso Park District board to acquire and develop an 85-acre land and water area north of the city for development as a park and recreational area.
Park Supt. Harold Rogers said Wednesday an architect is now in process of preparing long range development plans for the acreage at Spectacle and Loomis lakes, located just off Meridian (Campbell) road, one and one-quarter miles north of the city limits.
Legal procedures necessary to acquire the land from Atty. James W. Chester, of this city, are moving along per schedule, Rogers noted Wednesday.
The 85-acre tract of natural woodland and lakes is being offered to the city for purposes of park and recreational development by Chester at a below present market cost figure of $75,000.
Immediate plans by park board president, Tom Carlin, and members Raymond Harvey, Alan Lippman and Bruce Zimmerman, call for development of a 200-foot wide swimming beach, shelter house and rest rooms on island between Spectacle and Loomis lakes.
Beach Area Picked
Selected beach area, according to plans, is located along westside of Loomis lake on the fringe of the naturally wooded picnic section. This section of the lake has been tested as safe for swimmers of all ages. Bids will also be let soon for installations of water, sewer, and electricity lines into the park areas, Rogers noted.
Improvement of driveways to and from the park is also on the agenda for immediate development.
In the area where Spectacle lake runs close to Meridian (Campbell) road, a chain link fence will be installed. Other fencing will be installed to the north and south, according to plans.
To Sell Bonds
The project will be financed through sale of park district bonds, as specified under Indiana statutes. On basis of estimates compiled by the park board and dependent upon final costs of the eventual 85-acre development, taxpayers would face an increase of only six cents on the present park bond and interest rate of 12 cents. The 18-cent rate would become effective in 1962, it was noted.
Park board officials said that the proposed park of 50 acres land and 35-acres water, has not been a financial dead-weight over the years.
During the past three years the site has been used as an informal recreation area, and has attracted excellent patronage despite lack of publicity, by fishermen, picnic groups and others seeking recreation. Records indicate approximately $75 weekly had been derived over a two-year period.
Residence Included
Included in the purchase price, in addition to the land and lakes, are recently remodeled seven-room caretaker’s residence, one-room caretaker’s residence, one-room boat shed at Knapp’s landing, Fordson tractor, woods mower, 17 wooden boats, 12 picnic tables, and four smaller buildings.
Before the park board unanimously decided to purchase the site, more than six months was spent in studies and investigations for possible uses, feasibility and financial return. Results of study and discussions revealed that of all the chain of small lakes (as shown on sketch on page 19 in today’s Vidette-Messenger) north of town, the Spectacle Loomis area proved to be the most accessible from Valparaiso; a winding shore line providing fishing, swimming, canoeing, casting and boating; its 50 acres of ground easily controlled for picnics, outings, camping and other recreational uses; and that it could be made almost self-supporting through recreational receipts and concession leases.
LOCATION OF PROPOSED CITY SITEーSketch shows location of Valparaiso Park District’s proposed new city-lake park and recreation site at Spectacle and Loomis lakes, in relation to other lakes in area. Dotted lines in foreground show location of 85-acre site currently in process of being purchased by city park board Story appears in Page L.