Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on April 22, 1961.
Teaching Offers Many Rewarding Experiences
(EDITOR’S NOTEーApril is Teacher Career Month. In observance The Vidette-Messenger presents the fourth in a series of weekly articles on that subject by teachersーpast, present and to-be.)
(1st Grade Teacher, Northview)
Do you enjoy being with children? Do you like to help them? Do you have a moderate amount of patience? Are you considering college?
If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you should seriously consider entering the teaching profession.
It seems like only yesterday that I was a senior at Valparaiso High school doing my cadet teaching. But I must admit it has been six years.
During this time I have received my B.A. from Valparaiso university and I have had two years of delightful experience teaching the first grade at Northview school.
I became interested in the first grade particularly because this is where the reading program begins. I have found that the satisfaction one gets from teaching a child to read, and to love reading is one of the greatest rewards of teaching. Also at this age they are extremely eager to learn.
Not a “Job”
Teaching can not be regarded as just a job. It is one rewarding experience after another.
These rewards cannot be measured in money, for a teacher is blessed with the satisfaction of seeing her children progress; and in knowing she has done her best to help prepare them for the future.
Of course there is work involved such as grading papers, preparing lessons, etc., but anything worth-while involves work.
There is never a dull moment; and each day brings many humorous episodes such as the time a child hurried into the room to give me a Hershey bar but with a sorrowful look on her face whispered, “I accidentally dropped it in a mud puddle.” we carefully dried it off and I gratefully thanked her for such a nice gift.
Then there’s the little boy who happily brought me a worm. What could I do but show my delight?
These little things are so important to a child and must be handled with tact and a big smile. I could go on and on with my experiences as every teacher could.
Fine Program
I think the cadet program is extremely worth-while. This program places the cadets in the classroom as prospective teachers instead of students. It gives them an excellent opportunity to examine the elementary school program.
The children welcome the cadets wholeheartedly; and have the greatest respect for them. I find the cadets to be a great help and inspiration in the classroom.
The high school students here are especially fortunate to have a fine teaching program offered at Valparaiso university. College can be a wonderful experience, whether at home or away from home.
The teaching profession offers you immeasurable satisfaction, room for advancement, security, and a valued place in your community. If you enter the teaching profession I know you will love teaching just as I do.