Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on March 22, 1961.
Hebron Club Looking For Site For Park
VIEW HEBRON PARK SITE ー Hebron Junior Women’s club park committee inspect seven acre site, just south of Hebron city limits on Ind. 53, for possible establishment of a park for the town of Hebron. Members of committee at site, from left: Mrs. Herbert Wilson, chairman; Mrs. William Mullins and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Project plans include town’s first public swimming pool.
HEBRONーMembers of the Hebron Junior Woman’s club have been considering and viewing several sites for establishment of a public park.
Mrs. Herbert Wilson, chairman of the club’s park committee with Mrs. William Mullins and Mrs, Robert Thompson, inspected a seven-acre tract, just south of the Hebron city limits, on Ind. 53, Tuesday.
The club plans to purchase a site and aid the town in developing the tract as a swimming, recreational and picnic area.
Want Pool
“We have always wanted a swimming pool,” said Mrs. Wilson, “and this is the only way we are going to get one.”
Members of the committee indicated that drainage of the seven-acre-site will have to be tested. They also expressed anxiety over a ditch which splits the site.
Mrs. Wilson said it is the hope of the committee to secure financial aid for the project from other Hebron organizations and interested citizens.
A tentative promotional plan includes sale of “One-Inch Square Plots” to buyers.
Hebron currently has a small town park near the Methodist church.