Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on March 19, 1981.
Hebron K-9 team heeds Atlanta’s call
by Randy Shirey
HEBRON ー Atlanta’s call for help has been heard in Hebron.
Hebron police Lt. Charles Scott and his German shepherd Christie left today for the terror-stricken city which has experienced 20 known murders of black children in recent months.
Scott will be part of a volunteer Indiana team equipped with specially-trained evidence dogs. The dogs are taught to pick up foreign scents in natural settings.
The idea to send a state team originated with Pat Little, an Indianapolis dog trainer who heard Atlanta’s pitch for assistance three weeks ago on a television newscast. Christie and the 15 other dogs making the trip were originally trained by Little.
Little was unavailable for comment this morning, but her husband, Don, who helps her run the Edelheim Canine Academy, said the dogs’ unique abilities make them a valuable asset in investigations of murder.
“We’ll be involved with tracking and possibly search for evidence,” Scott said this morning. “Other details will have to be worked out when we get there.”
Scott will spend more than a week in Atlanta, all on his vacation time. Like the other 15 men making the trop. Scott will be paying his own way.
“It’s strictly a volunteer effort,” said Little. “At least one of the officers took out a loan.”
The group met this morning for the ride to Georgia.
Other northwest Indiana officers going to Atlanta are Ken O’Dean, Merrillville; Rick Lamere and Keith Hesner, Crown Point; and James Hall, Cedar Lake.
Hebron police Lt. Charles Scott and his dog Christie left today for Atlanta in an attempt to help solve the 20 known murders of black children there.