Feb. 6, 1941: ‘The Beacon’ New Name of VU Yearbook

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on February 6, 1941.

‘The Beacon’ New Name of VU Yearbook

“The Beacon” will henceforth be the name of the yearbook of Valparaiso university by action taken last night by the publications board.

After a thorough discussion on the subject of changing the name from “Uhlan” to something more appropriate, and after considering each of the 15 or 20 names submitted by students, the board decided unanimously in favor of “The Beacon.”

The reasons are several: First, the seal of the university carries the inscription, “In luce tua videmus lucem,” or “In Thy light we see light.” Second, the name of the university student newspaper, “The Torch,” carries out this symbolism. Third, a minor reason, that a beacon is placed on a hill and Valparaiso university is also on a hill.

President O.P. Kretzmann said that he felt the new name was expressive of the ideals and purpose of the university and in keeping with the spirit of the school.

Results from a poll of students on the subject of changing the name of the annual revealed that student sentiment was a 50-50 proposition. The vote was very light.

The publications board consists of the president of the university; Dr. W.G. Friedrich, dean of student; A.F. Scribner, business manager of the university; Harold Helbing, president of the student council; the Torch staff, and the editorial staff of the yearbook.