Feb. 5, 1941: 'Child of Science' Healthy Calf

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on February 5, 1941.

‘Child of Science’ Healthy Calf

Sunset Hill Farm’s Cocillus and her calf Sunset Cocillus’ Rex, born Dec. 7; weight now 93 pounds. So far as is known, this is the first “test tube” or artificially-inseminated calf born in Porter County. Cocillus, a registered Guernsey, is one of the Sunset Hill Farm’s best producers. She made a 365-day D.H.I.A. record of 11,289 pounds milk of 5.5 percent test and 628.3 pounds butterfat on twice-a-day milking while carrying this calf.

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