Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on February 27, 1931.
Explanation as to why he ordered enforcement of the city’s fire ordinance at Virgil Kirkland murder trial yesterday afternoon, was made today by John G. Marks, city fire chief.
“I was called by Judge Grant Crumpacker and court attaches to advise in the situation,” Chief Marks said.
“Knowing of the hazardous condition existing by reason of my knowledge of the fifty-year old structure, I informed Judge Crumpacker that it would be better to transfer activities to another room and disperse the crows,” Mr. Marks said.
“According to contractors the floor of the circuit court room is not supported by beams such as are used in modern construction, and from this fact alone, there was imminent danger of collapse,” he said.
“The law against filling public buildings in excess of capacity, blocking aisles and exits is well known, and I merely apprised the court of the violation existing.”
Chief Marks declared he had not attended a session of the trial and had no knowledge that the law was being violated.
“I was merely called into the case in an advisory capacity and had no interest in any way except to apprise the court as to the ordinance bearing on over-crowding of public buildings,” Chief Marks said.
Today the process of the court is not being interfered with due to a new arrangement made by Judge Crumpacker. Only persons who could find seats were admitted.
In order to be sure of gaining admittance, those of the morbidly curious, appeared at the county building as early as 6:30 o’clock this morning.
By 8 o’clock the line was a block long, four abreast. The crowd congregated on the modern stairway on the old stone steps and for a time it was feared the contrivance would give way.
Special bailiffs relieved the situation somewhat by admitting groups of twenty-five at a time. As soon as the room was comfortably filled the doors were locked.
Every door of vantage leading to the court room was guarded and no one was admitted unless proper credentials were presented.
No murder case of local record has attracted the public attention as does the Kirkland-Draves trial. Not only does Valparaiso furnish many court fans, but other cities provide their quota.