Jan. 9, 1941: County Groups To Plan Sports Night To Help In War On Paralysis

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on January 9, 1941.

County Groups To Plan Sports Night To Help In War On Paralysis

“The March of Dimes” of yesteryear has today become the “March of Sports” as the various communities in Porter county have agreed once again to aid in the war on paralysis, as will many other areas in the country. The culmination of activities as has been the case heretofore will be in the celebration of President Roosevelt’s birthday on Jan. 30.

Formerly Porter county groups conducted Birthday balls, but because the expense involved in sponsoring such an affair proved to be too great for the small amount of returns, this plan was abandoned last year in favor of a “March of Dimes” tag-day. This year the county sports activities to raise funds, according to Dr. R. C. Shurr, county chairman.

In order to establish plans in the various communities in the county, Dr. Shurr has been named district chairmen. Coach John E. Wiggins, Valparaiso high school football and baseball coach, was placed in charge of a local city charity contest. Other chairmen are Luis N. French, coach, Kouts; Walter Johnson, sports enthusiast, Hebron; Mann Spitler, sports enthusiast, Wheeler; and V. R. Charlson, coach, Chesterton and Porter. Heads of activities for McCool, Beverly Shores and Boone Grove are still to be named.

In addition to Dr. Shurr officers of the Porter county chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis are James Chester, vice chairman; Mrs. Leslie Lembke, secretary; and Harold A. Sievers, treasurer.

During 1940 there were five cases of infantile paralysis and two deaths reported in Porter county. In Indiana, chiefly in St. Joe and Elkhart countiesーnot too distant from hereーthere were 662 cases resulting in 65 deaths.

Net proceeds from last year’s Porter county drive amounted to $229.75, of which $114.88 (or 50%) was retained by the Porter county advisory board. Proceeds from the various communities were as follows: Valparaiso, $134.85; Wheeler, $15.05; Kouts, $12; Hebron, $35.70; Chesterton, $55.16, and Boone Grove, $5.25. Expenses were set at $28.26.

The board of advisors, whose duty it is to consider the expenditure of the proceeds retained in this county, includes the officers of the Porter county infantile paralysis board and former heads of the city chapters. Also Dr. G. R. Douglas county health doctor, and Mrs. Ethel Dille, head of the welfare department, are members.

The former city chairmen serving on this board of advisors includes Carl Rees, Valparaiso; Frank Golden, Hebron; George Anderson, Chesterton; Mrs. Pauline Bundy Taylor, Wheeler; Ray Benkie, Kouts, and Ross Skinkle, Boone Grove.