Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on December 10, 1970.
Pupils Need Articles For Yule Project
Wheels and tires from bicycles, tricycles, and buggies are needed by the Vocational Industrial Club of America (VICA) at Valparaiso High School. They will be used to repair toys for needy children for Christmas.
The VICA is repairing the toys in shop classes. Beta Sigma Phi Sorority will distribute them to needy homes.
The youths, whose instructor is Ronald Pollock, are accepting repairable toys, puzzles and games until Monday. They now have 25 to 30 toys repaired.
Members of the club earned funds to buy supplies for repairing the toys by cleaning the football field after games this fall.
Persons wishing to donate toys or wheels may call Valparaiso High School and members of the club will pick up the articles.
Repair Toys For Needy
Members of Vocational Industrial Club of America at Valparaiso High School repair toys which will be distributed to needy children for Christmas. From left are Chuck Watson, vice president; Bob Ranson, Student Council representative; Mrs. Ron Pollock, service chairman for Beta Sigma Phi, the organization which will aid in distribution of the toys; Jan Nelissen, treasurer; and Dean Anderson president.