Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on November 8, 1965.
Signs Up 50 People Over Age 65
“For medicare, the magic age is 65,” Howard M. Jennings, district manager of the Gary Social Security office told The Vidette-Messenger today.
By 10:30 this morning Jennings had signed up approximately 50 persons for hospital insurance under the medicare plan at Social Security Day at the county courthouse.
Some of the persons who completed applications were drawing social security; some had never owned a social security number; but all were over 65. In fact, according to Jennings, one man was 94 years old.
“I’m just disturbed that more people over 65 have not realized the benefits they are entitled to,” he said.
Jennings added he’s also interested in those people between ages 60 and 72 who are still working at their own business and who must register a claim so that they will be eligible for health insurance when they reach 65 or stop working.
All persons over 65 are entitled to hospital insurance which will help pay hospital bills and will provide payments for skilled nursing care and other services in an extended care facility after hospitalization. Outpatient hospital services and home health services are also included.
Medical insurance however, is voluntary and costs $3 per month with the Federal government paying an equal amount toward the cost.
The voluntary program covers bills for doctors’ services and a number of other items not covered under the hospital insurance program. The $3 could possibly come from either a person’s friends, family, social security check, or township trustee.
Jennings and Social Security Representative Mrs. Evelyn Firzgerald will be in Porter county again next Monday, Nov. 15 at the Chesterton Town hall. The two will be available to answer any questions regarding medicare and to register persons over 65 for hospital insurance.
MEDICARE EXPLAINED一Howard M. Jennings, seated left, district manager of Gary Social Security office, today explained government’s health insurance program, Medicare, to E.F. Schwinkendorf, RFD 1, Valparaiso, at special Social Security Day in courthouse for persons over 65 years of age who wish to apply for benefits. Standing, Mrs. Evelyn Fitzgerald, Gary, field representative.