Interested in donating an artifact?

The PoCo Muse regularly considers new donations of artifacts that help us tell stories of local people, places, and events. Our collection contains a wide variety of items connected to Porter County, Indiana.

  • If you’re interested in donating an artifact, please submit the form below with a description of the item (or items) you’d like to donate.

  • You can make an appointment to bring your potential donation to the museum during open hours by calling (219) 510.1836 or sending an email to

  • A staff member will assess whether your object is a good fit for our collection. Know that we do not accept all items that are offered to us.

  • The process of filling out a deed of gift takes only a few minutes, but we love to document any stories connected to your donation.

  • Do you have interesting photographs or letters that you’re not quite ready to part with? Consider making a digital donation! We will make free high-resolution scans and return the original documents to you.

    Please note that transportation of donated artifacts to the museum is the responsibility of the donor. We are not able to pick up donations.


Please complete the form below